Echoes Of The Past

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Chapter One

Everything has gone dark and Izzy wakes up passed out on the elevator floor to hear the doors open. She stands up to call out "Who's there. Who did this." Izzy thought it might have been her friends joking around but she looks around and sees no sight of her friends. Izzy looks around in a panic. As she looks around she sees a shadow dash from room to room. She looks down the long dark hallway and she hears the faint sound of creaking boards and footsteps grew louder and louder. She starts to fumble for her phone to see if she can get a hold of her friends but her phone battery has died. The footsteps get louder and louder and as they get a few inches from her they stop. Izzy pokes her head out of the elevator with her flashlight and pans around. She sees nothing and no sign of her friends. Izzy steps out of the elevator to realize she is on the third floor. She walks to the window to realize its night time. She panics and continues on and hopes she comes across her friends. As she continues on a Rat scurries across the floor and she jumps back. She closes her eyes and says to herself "Everything will be okay, Get a grip".

 Chapter Two

Izzy comes to this door and she looks up and realizes it says on the tag C3. She tries to push open the door and it won't open. All of sudden she is getting a headache and she starts having a flashback. She opens her eyes and she sees the hotel when it was actually functional. Izzy sees a young man knock on the door and this beautiful young woman answers the door. Izzy snaps back to reality to find that the door has creaked open. She slowly pushes the door open. The flashback continues and she sees the young couple together. All of sudden she hears screaming from the couple she turns around and sees the female laying out on the bed with her throat slit and she is bleeding out. The male is spread out on the floor decapitated. The murderer stands over the male's body and she snaps back to reality. She couldn't see the murderer's face. All of sudden grief overcomes her senses and she starts to cry.

Chapter Three

Izzy finally manages to stop crying and pulls herself together. She feels a cold chilling breath on the back of her neck. She freezes and when she turns around to nothing. Izzy hears the footsteps again and they are getting louder and closer. She sees the shadow slowly moving down the hall towards her. Izzy freezes in fear and the footsteps stop. She walks back into the room with her flashlight on and starts looking around the room. Izzy made it her mission to find out what happened to that couple that was murdered in this very room. She feels another headache coming on and she is back to the flashback. The young man is taking this woman out on a date. There was a note on their table while they were having dinner. She realized that this note was from the killer but the couple never noticed it. She can see the note but she can't make out the words. She comes back to the darkened dirty room. She hears a whisper in a female voice "Help Me". All of a sudden she hears the door room slam behind her. Izzy tries to open the door but it's sealed shut.

Chapter Five

Izzy springs to her feet and starts to run down this long narrow hallway and she hears slow heavy footsteps behind her and with every step the floorboards creak. Izzy looks back and she doesn't see what is in front of her so she stumbles and trips. She quickly pulls herself together and keeps running. Izzy remembers that she came here with her friends and there hasn't been any sight or sound from them all night. Izzy comes to the end of the hallway and stops because she sees some blood on the floor. She hears the faint and eerie laughter again. Izzy keeps following the trail of blood and she comes to a room C7. She tries to push open the door but again no luck because it seemed it was sealed shut. She turns around to look behind her and the door is thrown open and slams against the wall scarring her. She is hesitant to enter the room but she turns on her flashlight and enters at a slow pace. She pans the room and sees the bed and the main part of the room is empty. The blood trail leads to the bathroom door which is the first door that has been sealed shut. Izzy was determined to get the door open but what she was going to find behind that door was not a sight she thought she would ever have to see.

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