Up The North Mountain Part Two

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The ride up the mountain was smooth, so far. Because the girl we picked up was Princess Anna I let her ride in the front. That and I also wanted to watch as she annoyed Kristof.

Oh and she was doing her part talking about love at first sight. That hit real close to home for me and Kristof. "Yeah and how do you know so much about love." The princess exclaimed yeah she didn't know the half of it.

"Well I don't but our friends do, Their love experts" Kristof stated he looked very unamused. "Yep they are" I piped in. Then the princess proceeded to go on a whole tangent about her true love, and her sister who was rightfully against it. When I heard something.

Kristof must of too because he silenced her. Then we both said "wolves." Me and Kristof have dealt with them before so we had a silent understanding of what to do. We both nodded at each other and switched places.

I took the reins maneuvering Sven while Kristof dealt with keeping the wolves away from our sled. Surprisingly the princess was taking this fairly well. That was until Kristof was hanging off of the sled. But I couldn't pay attention because I was the one driving.

Then I got another vision and knew what the princess was about to do. "Duck" I screamed as a flaming sleeping bag was chucked at Kristof. He did as I said and it missed him hitting the wolves instead. The princess helped him back into the sled. As for me I got ready for what was about to happen next.

I grabbed the princess by the waist and put her on Sven telling him to continue to run. Then I grabbed Kristof's hand and jumped as we shot over the ravine. As I planed Sven landed on the other side safely with the princess.

On the other hand me and Kristof hung in the air for a moment before plummeting. But I wasn't scared because I have a friend that was always looking out for me. So just like that the wind picked up and we were swished over to the other side.

The princess seemed shocked but I just shrugged it off. "You have your friends I have mine" I said as Kristof looked over at the wreckage. Our sled unlike us had crashed to the ground and exploded into flames.

"I'll pay for that" The princess said but it didn't really matter we were all alive.

A/N (Lol 😂 sorry cliffhanger kinda)
(also why do you like me thank you so much for the support)

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