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Days were going and the routine was same.Both Anaya and Galib went for their respective jobs,came back home,ate dinner and whenever both of them started talking with each other they always ended up fighting.

It was the Thursday night and the next day was their holiday,though Anaya was planning to meet her mother-in-law the next day but she had to cancel it because Rahim uncle and Mina aunty had went to their village for an emergency and so Anaya had no other option rather than cancelling the plan.

"Galib!Don't just stand there.Come and help me" "And what help do you need.They've cooked everything and you just need to microwave those, nothing else",saying this Galib went for watching TV and Anaya made a disgusting face."I feel like hitting him with this pan!Insufferable pathetic person!" "Telling this won't make your works easy you know",smirked Galib from the drawing room and Anaya was fuming with anger.

The next morning they both ate bread and jam for breakfast and then for making lunch Anaya was trying to make something in the kitchen."I'm trying to make something and there he is only standing like an idiot"-thought Anaya.
"Now where is this flour?" "No idea" "I'm not asking you because I already know how useless you are!" "Whatever". Searching here and there finally she discovered that the flour was kept somewhere higher in the kitchen selves."If it was any movie than guess what the hero would have pulled me up to reach the flour"-thinking this Anaya was unable to stop her laugh as she was finding it rather funny and Galib was looking at her in confused expression,Anaya was trying to reach her hand for the flour while thinking that and for lack of attention the can of flour fell.
Galib was covered with flour as the can fell on his head when he went to see what Anaya was trying to do.Seeing the sight of Galib covering with flour at first Anaya became speechless but after some time she started laughing hardly and she was in fact unable to stop her laugh. "You Anaya!At first you do this with me and then you laugh at me!!!" "Oh Galib!Just look at you face,you're looking like ghost you know",saying this Anaya again started laughing."Wait,when you'll see,you'll laugh too believe me",then Anaya took her phone and opened the selfie mood and gave it to Galib,"See see yourself Galib Khan!Oh Allah!This is too funny" and Galib was fuming in anger and he put the phone.
The next moment Anaya was covered with besan as Galib put the full packet of besan over Anaya and then both of them were looking at each other with strange expression in their faces and suddenly Anaya started laughing,seeing this even Galib started smiling at first and then he was actually laughing.Seeing him laughing Anaya somewhere felt that maybe he had not laughed like this for many many days."Hitler looks good while laughing though",thought Anaya.

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