~'After the fight with Dio'~

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(Warning: There are needles mentioned in this story so if you get triggerred I suggest not reading this chapter. aNyWaYs- Enjoy the story)

A silent breeze entered the room making it colder than it was... the room was as quiet, the only things that made noise were Jotaros snoring and the beeping of the holter monitor next to the hospital bed that Kakyoin lay in.

Jotaro stayed slouched over in the chair he was sitting in, adjusting himself every once in a while, he sat in a chair that was against a wall.

Movements of the creaky but yet still stable hospital bed started to get louder. Kakyoin started to move, tossing himself back and forth, finally waking up. He used his hands and placed them by both his sides managing to lift his body up. He sat his back now against the only cold and crisp air. He moved his hands before feeling a poking in his veins.

Kakyoin's POV

He looked down at his hands before looking at his arms seeing that many needles were going into his veins..."What is this.." Kakyoin thought.. "Where am I? I-is everybody safe?..." He looked around the room, starting to get anxious before laying his eyes upon the sleeping Jotaro. "So he didn't leave me after all..." He continued to examine him before Jotaro opened his eyes slightly looking down to the ground.

Jotaro twisted his body before stretching and yawning.

Kakyoin quickly looked away from Jotaro, hoping that Jotaro didn't notice him looking.

Jotaro finished stretching and yawning before looking around the room suddenly remembering that he was in the hospital. He didn't enjoy being there but he was for the sake of his friend. Speaking of his friend he looked at Kakyoin directly noticing that he was awake.

Kakyoin looked back at Jotaro before noticing that he was looking at him directly, with those oceans of his eyes and those long lashes, he couldn't resist the stare of those eyes. Kakyoin snapped back to reality. "Jotaro-kun, you're here!" he gave Jotaro a warm smile "Yare yare daze, kakyoin, you're finally awake but it's been about at least a day or two. Are you ok?" Kakyoin was suprsied about the fact that Jotaro would stay this long considering his delinquent attitude and him not really giving a fuck. "I could be better , I still feel the pain in my stomach where Dio hit me but overall I'm fine."

"Everybody was worried about you, g.g wouldn't stop complaining he thought that you were a goner."

"Thought I was a goner huh?" "Well I'm here now and I'm alive , also is Holly ok?" Kakyoin asked with a concerned look on his face. (MiLf HuNtEr SeNsEs)

"She's fine, she is at home now with Joseph, Advol, Iggy, and Polnareff."

Kakyoin's face became more relaxed when Jotaro said that.

"Kakyoin." The tone in Jotaros voice somehow became more serious than it already was.


"I have something I want to tell you."

"What is i- Kakyoin was interrupted by the nurse that came in, he directed his attention towards her. "Hello?" Kakyoin gave the lady a confused smile, before realizing that it was the nurse.

"Oh you're finally up Nori-kun." She said as she walked towards Kakyoin with a warm smile

Jotaro had a certain look on his face as he looked up at the nurse, it was a look of disgust because he had just been interrupted

"I have some good news and some bad news... the good news is that you should be able to leave tomorrow, and lucky for you Jotaro here has offered to help you since your body is still healing."

Kakyoin turned his head back towards Jotaro

Jotaro just pulled his hat down "And what's the bad news..?"

Kakyoin looked back at the nurse

"The bad news is, it will take at least a couple of months for him to heal completely, so I suggest that you try not to do so many things at once."

"It's not like I did much besides play video games anyway..." Kakyoin thought to himself

i HaD tO eNd It ThErE bEcAuSe I'm TiRed

tHis WaS 660 wOrDs PlEaSe SoMeBoDy Be PrOuD oF mE

Edit 6/1/20: hHHhhHHh- This was my first story ever and I hate it, but let me know if guys want me to finish this :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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