Part 15

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Who saw the EMA'a yesterday? I did, it was super cool :) So guys, I'm so sorry for not updating, but school is making me real crazy, and I don't have any time to breath anymore. So I apologize to all of you (yes, you there in that iPod, iPhone, iPad or computer, it doesn't matter) for the loooong wait. I don't update for 2 months (I think), and I'll change that. So, anymore gossip and HAVE A GOOD READ!


Justin's P.O.V

I waked up the next morning with Camila still sleeping beside me. She was curled up in a ball, and was cuddled up with me. I can't even move with she in that position, but I'm not complaining. Is good to know that now she's mine, and I can have her all the time I want.

I looked at her clock beside the bed and it was still 9:34am. It's early! I will sleep just a little more before she wake up...

~ 2 hours later ~

I woke up (again) with someone above me, whispering my name. It only can be one person.

"Hey..." she said, playing with my hair. I didn't even move. It was so good in there...

"Woke up lazy boy!!!! Get your extremely fine ass from my bed!" She screamed, shaking me.

I was just messing with her, and she knows it. I heard her walking away, and smiled. Justin 1, Camila 0. Before I could even think, I felt very cold water on my face. Okay, now we're the same. Camila 1, Justin 1. I opened my eyes to see a very good looking girlfriend laughing her ass of from my face. Ohhh, revenge time!

Camila's P.O.V.

The look in Justin's face was HILARIOUS! He seemed so confused that I can't help but laugh. I woke up 40 minutes ago, and he was still sleeping like a baby. So I took a shower, brushed my hair, picked some random clothes and put them on. I make some pancakes and lemonade juice for breakfast (its 11:43am, but who cares?), because I knew Justin would wake up hungry. Like always.

He jumped from the bed, and with only one movement he putted me on the ground, and laid above me. He was serious, but in his eyes you can see the happiness.

"You've been a very bad girl Camila." He whispered, leaning in my neck and kissing with butterfly kisses in my jaw line.

"Oh yeah? And what you'll do with me, Mister Bieber?" I asked, holding a moan when he spotted my ear. He was still kissing there, and then he came back to my neck and sucked real hard, leaving once more mark there (I saw the other 2 from yesterday today on the bath). I moaned this time, not holding back, and saw a smile appear in his face.

"Punishment time..." He answered, kissing the around of my mouth, teasing me. That kid... I grabbed his head and pusher his lips to mine, kissing him hard. He kissed me back in the same moment, and I putted my arms around his neck. We were both still on the ground, but we really don't could care less. The kiss was a real long one, and Justin just pulled away when he needed to breath. He looks at me and started to stare, and suddenly he laughed. Like I just told him a big joke. Scaring...

"Justin, for God's sake, from what you're laughing about?" I asked, when I saw he wasn't planning on stop. He finally stopped, and looked at me with a happy look in his eyes. Awkward...

"You don't remember, do you?" He asked back, getting up and close to me and pulling me out of the ground. I nodded, because I don't have any idea from what he is talking about. I started to think about everything we did together, and nothing came in my mind.

"You dreamed about me last night. I remember that I woke up like at 2 am listening someone talking, and when I saw, it was you whispering something like 'Justin, stop it! That's was so weird!', and when we're kissing I remembered that. It was quite funny see you talking my name while you we're asleep, but that's ok." He said, while grabbing his pants from the ground (leaving me with a good vision of his perfect abdomen), and putting them on.

I know of what he's talking about. I dreamed last night about me and him in the future, talking about some jokes we did to each other, and laughing about it. It was a good dream. Much better than the last one, I can tell.

"You'll talk to me about it?" He asked, curious like a little kid on Christmas.

"Nope. C'mon, let's eat the breakfast. It'll get cold" I said, looking at him when his face feels and grabbing his hand to pull him out of my room. He made that cute puppy face and I said "Okay later. Can we go now?"

"Of course, my lady."


And? Did you liked??? I did this all today at school (#lol), even being against the rules to use electronics on the classes. I want to dedicate this chapter to crazypersonS2, my BFF who write super good. Go see her story "Against The Wall", is amazing! Link beside >


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