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I'm sorry for the lagging updates guys. Ok so... Here I go!

Caitlin's P.O.v

I press my lips shut every time I drive Clementine to school. I try to stay quiet and ignore her.

There was no music. It was deadly quite. This is so awkward. Despite my attempts at trying to pay attention to everything but her I can't help it and take a glance at her face.

Her shoulders were raised up, tensed. And she was looking out the window so I couldn't see the rest if her profile.

Parking the car and getting out I wait for her to say something.

"Thanks." She mumbles quickly jumping up getting out of my car. Pulling her backpack against herself she speed walks towards the entrance of the school and I want to die.

This was the usual, since the.. I raised my hand to touch my lips.

"What's up with her?"

Jumping up, I shot my hand down, and turn my head sideways to see Debby.

Cursing under my breath I glare at her.

She chuckles and raises her hands in defense.

"Hey! It's not my fault I thought you saw me when you parked, I'm like the only one here." She gestures around the area.

"Whatever." I mutter sharply, folding my arms in front of my chest and shifting my weight to my right foot.

Debby raised her eyebrows, then looked to where Clementine had left.

"So tell me." She says.

"Tell you what?" I say dully starting to head to the entrance of the school.

Debby followed suit.

"What's up with that girl, she looked really jumpy, is she high? She doesn't look like the type though. But who knows the quiet ones are always surprising, an-"

"What? No." I say, "Clementine wouldn't."

Debby raised her eyebrows again. "So then what's up with her?"

I went rigid. What was up with her, am I such a bad kisser? No nobody I've ever dated had ever complained. Then what's up with her? Her mom isn't religious and my father supports same sex marriage. Wait what? How did I end up thinking about marriage. Ugh. What was the question?


"Huh what? What'd you say?" I ask my voice nervous and high as I felt my cheeks get blood rush. Debby looked at me suspiciously.

She rubbed her chin, analyzing, "never mind."

I shrugged, "okay."

Debby blew a bubble from the gum she had been chewing and sat down at the entrance steps.

"Aren't you going inside?" I ask.

"No I'm going to wait for Savannah." She replied placing her pack at her feet.

"But she told us yesterday she wasn't going to come today." I state my eyebrows pushing together.

"She'll come." Debby answers her eyes locking at the entrance with determination.

"Okay well see you later." I said and walked in.

Clementine's P.O.V

I gulped meekly and entered my first period chemistry class. My eyes glued to the floor as I took a seat on a stool, and started taking out my notebook.

"No the assignment is due next week," Mr Pep was saying to a student.

"Oh great, I was worried I wasn't going to turn it in, in time."

My ears perked up.

The reason for my new routine of practically running into the school, to avoid having to bring up more awkwardness and nervousness, was here.

I raised my eyes timidly to watch,

"I see." Pep said smiling, "Well if you ever have any questions referring to the course, ask Caitlin. Your a good student wouldn't want you to fall behind because of being unsure."

Caitlin nodded then suddenly turned around, her dark minty rings shooting up and meeting my eyes half way, and locking our eyes.

I gulped again. Then stared at her tilting my head at her and looking away. I gripped the edges of my desk as I felt my palms start to sweat at the sound of Caitlin's proceeding steps. I felt awkward and nervousness and... giddy?

"Hey." Caitlin said, a few steps away from me.

I gazed up at her setting my eyes on her pretty eyebrows, not daring myself to make eye contact. Instead of responding verbally I nodded weakly.

Caitlin apparently didn't like that response and took a step forward, biting her hot pink bottom lip. She reached out about to touch me, then thought otherwise and pretended to pick at her nails. That I barely noticed we're painted.

She must've done them last night because the paint looked nice, but kind of.. wetish. They're a fire like... Orange.

I felt my cheeks get blood rush, and looked away from her hands.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked peeking from under her dark lashes, then snapping her neck towards Pep, "alone?"

I pulled myself back only now realizing that I was leaning forward way to closer than a friendly distance. Caitlin stared at me pushing my eyes to meet hers, her hot pink mouth moved as she said something else.

"Uh I-I..." I stuttered biting my tongue in the process.

"It'll be real quick." Caitlin said, her hands fisting as she forced out a small smile.

"Um... Okay." I say hopping off the stool.

"Cool," she said looking relieved as her fists loosened and she grinned.

She stepped back and headed out the door, before she was out she gave me a look saying, aren't you coming?

I jogged over to her scooching a little bit away from her remembering the friendly distance.

Caitlin stopped suddenly and faced me her eyebrows raised and speaking fast.

"So about the-"

I cut her off my eyes widening, "can we not talk about that?"


"Can we just make it back to the way it was before? Not all awkward an-"

"Yeah." Caitlin replied quickly as if I were going to change my mind.

I nodded weakly.

The atmosphere was thin.

Caitlin looked at her feet and shuffled her shoes.

Then she looked up and smiled widely at me making me smile back and all the awkwardness seemed to slowly flow away.

But a little part of me tugged me forward craving for something more from her...

But then the bell rang shoving back my thoughts.

Caitlin looked back, and waved as she walked away.

I bit my lip and waved too.

This was how I wanted it. Right?

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