dante laurence romano

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(face-claim: laurence coke)

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(face-claim: laurence coke)

dante laurence romano

25 // appears as such

gay // top




dante is the eldest between his sister, adriana, and himself. though dante can be serious, he much prefers to take a lighthearted approach to life.

he doesn't take himself too seriously otherwise he becomes more controlling and he finds that overbearing side annoying.

because of that inner struggle, it is sometimes difficult to find a balance for him. adriana has recently begun to scold him about it since it affects not just his work opportunities but his relationships with family, friends, and love interests.

in the past, he has struggled with his mental health (depression and anxiety) along with substance abuse and an identity crisis.

dante never wanted to come to terms with the fact of his sexuality. growing up with strict parents, he never felt like he could openly tell his parents and he intended to take that secret with him to his grave.

he stayed closeted, but he also started hooking up with a close friend of his, isaac, who also sold him weed or any other drug he had at the time.

one night while he was at a party, he did a line of coke. after that, he constantly craved that blissful effect.

after a while though, his family took note of some changes in personality and adriana discovered his stash by accident. she was 14 and he was 17. she told her parents and they pulled him out of school and sent him away.

for the rest of his high school experience, he was in and out of rehab centers and he was surprised when he managed to graduate.

he didn't go to college, instead getting a couple of jobs to make ends meet.

as of right now, he is seven months sober. he goes to meetings regularly to ensure that he doesn't relapse.

more recently, he came out to adriana and she supported him unconditionally.

he isn't a very talkative guy when it comes to absolute strangers, but once he knows you, he can be a blast to hang out with.

he isn't a very talkative guy when it comes to absolute strangers, but once he knows you, he can be a blast to hang out with

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quiet, reserved, playful, smart, sometimes cocky, compassionate, understanding, sincere, selfless, thoughtful, isolated, tired, lonely, and anxious


he is probably the most compassionate person you'll ever meet. he wants to see the other people around him succeed, so he pushes them away from him, thinking that he's bad for them.


at the moment, he works early morning shifts on monday, wednesday, and friday at a grocery store. he restocks shelves and unloads deliveries. on tuesdays and thursdays, he works at an auto shop.


kirsten bentley, mother, alive, divorced, 44

john romano, father, alive, divorced, 45

adriana leilani romano, younger sister, alive, 22, okay relationship

favorite songs:

good things fall apart - jon bellion

dog days are over - florence + the machine

could've been me - the struts

defining features:

his captivating green eyes, his contrasting black curly hair, his strong cheekbones, his toned abs, and his height (tall)

signs of interest:

he tries to see you as much as he can, smiles giddily, holds eye contact, speaks more, reaches out to you (texting & calls), his eyes light up when he sees you, cuddling, and he pouts when you leave

kinks/turn ons:

kissing his neck, rubbing his inner thigh, hooking up in public discretely, teasing in public, calling his name, biting your lip, and slowly stripping


being grumpy when he wakes up, rolling his eyes when people are immature, crossing his arms over his chest and standing straighter when he's intimidated


scary movies, parties, tacos, tattoos, drinking, dancing (when he's drunk), cinnamon rolls, sweet stuff, working out at the gym at night, animals, listening to music all of the time, late night talks, cuddling, and zoning (at the grocery store)


having to explain himself, being sober, keeping secrets, really loud places, crying, strong smells, being sub, acting serious, being talked down to, his singing voice (he thinks he isn't good), hot days, medicine, rude customers, and homophobes.

having to explain himself, being sober, keeping secrets, really loud places, crying, strong smells, being sub, acting serious, being talked down to, his singing voice (he thinks he isn't good), hot days, medicine, rude customers, and homophobes

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