Entry 3

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Rimbara Planet, The Guest House.

"This is EarthQuake's crystal."

The crystal's color is golden yellow, just like Quake's eyes. The stone is bigger than our's and brighter too.


"What do you mean, it's EarthQuake's crystal?!" asked Cy.

"Like I said. This is EarthQuake's crystal-"

"What he meant is.. why do you have this?" I asked.

This is weird...

Quake.. is supposed to be dead! But, how did PetraBot got his powers...

"Just take it and keep it save, you'll know why I gave this to you soon-" said PetraBot.


Cy got flustered, "Eh? Making out?"

"Why are you guys like this-" asked PetraBot.

"Don't mind him... Well.. we're off.." I said.

"Good luck. Remember, keep the crystal safe!!"

Cy and I went downstairs.

"Blaze, what does make out mean?" asked Thorn.

"E-eh... um.....make out is... uh..." stuttered Blaze. "I actually don't know either-"

"Hey, Ice! What does make out mean?" asked Blaze to his counterpart.

"Why are you asking me-"

"Answer the question, Polar Bear!"

"Make out is making something and throw it out." said Ice. "Now let me sleep."

"Ohhh...." said both Blaze and Thorn together. "THORN/BLAZE LET'S MAKE OUT-"

Ice immediately jumped out of the sofa, "NO NO NO-"

"Why are these idiots my brothers.." murmured Solar.

"I don't know either." I replied.

"Hahaha! Okay, we have to go now." said Cy dragging me and Solar with him.

Cy summoned his hoverboard and get on it. He lifted his hand, then suddenly gusts of wind are being summoned too, forming an invisible platform.

"Cy, you know that I can fly right?" asked Solar.

"Yes, which is why I use my powers instead of letting you fly." He smiled. "Both of you are the strongest, so might as well saving those powers in case we got caught..."

"Now, don't jinx ourselves, Cy." Said Solar.

So, he is using his powers to save our's..

Solar is a long-range fighter. To attack, he'll need to charge up his powers then blast it to the enemy. But, since the incident with Retak'ka, he trained himself to charge faster and learned a few short-range fights. Including using his new Solar Sword.

He's been training with me secretly, his skills weren't that bad, but not as good as his beams and long-range attacks. That's why he needs to be in the middle of our formation.

Cyclone is our main defense force and also a long-range fighter. After EarthQuake's death, Cy took the role of the main defense force. Since all of us excluding Blaze and Ice got sucked into Retak'ka, he learned how to use his powers like Beliung. So he is much stronger now.

And I am the team's short-range fighter. I'm in charge of the first attack that our team made. My speed and agility are my plus points I guess. I don't know if I've improved after the incident with Retak'ka. But I've trained hard when I have time to do it.

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