7 Minutes (A JovenCorn AU)

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It all started when Anthony and Ian called Mari to their office. When Mari went inside, she noticed three men sitting on chairs in the office. Mari asked Anthony, "Who are these guys, Anthony? They look familiar..."

Anthony chuckled.

He said to her, "Well, you might know them from Mahalo Games before. A few years after, these guys moved to Clevver and formed Clevver Games. We're making a gaming channel with them."

Mari looked at Anthony with a surprised face.

Ian pointed at a man wearing a purple shirt and a black jacket and said, "This is Matthew. In this channel we're making, we're calling him by his last name, Sohinki."

Mari slowly nodded.

Then, Ian pointed at a man wearing a blue shirt. He continued, "This is David. He doesn't like us calling him with that, so in the channel, we're calling him Lasercorn." Mari asked him, "Why Lasercorn?"

She then scratched her head.

Anthony asked Lasercorn, "Lasercorn, would you mind showing her?" Lasercorn rolled his eyes while smiling and replied, "Fine. But just this time."

Lasercorn then took off the shirt he was wearing and turned behind Mari.

Mari smiled and told Lasercorn, "That's a sick tattoo, dude!" Lasercorn smiled and replied, "Thanks." Then, Lasercorn put his shirt back on. Lastly, Ian pointed to a tall man with glasses wearing a grey shirt under a black button-up shirt.

The man with glasses gave Mari a smirk, which made the latter uncomfortable.

Ian continued, "This is Joshua. In the channel, we're calling him Jovenshire. It's a mix of his first and last name. But if we're feeling like lazy-ass bitches, we can call him Joven. He consented to it." Joven chuckled.

Mari chuckled as well and slowly nodded again.

Afterwards, Mari waved at the three men.

She said to them, "Hello to all of you! My actual name is Mariko, but call me Mari for short." Joven, Lasercorn, and Sohinki waved back, smiled at her and replied, "Hi, Mari!"

Then, Mari shook hands with the three men.

Immediately after Mari was introduced to the three men, they shot a video titled "OMG! Smosh Games!", where Anthony and Ian formally introduce Joven, Lasercorn, Mari, and Sohinki as members of the channel that they made called Smosh Games.

When they finished shooting the video, Anthony felt hungry.

So, he asked, "Where do y'all wanna eat? Food's on me!" Ian, Joven, Lasercorn, Mari, and Sohinki all cheered loudly. Sohinki replied, "Well, as long as it's got kosher options."

Lasercorn nodded in agreement.

Joven replied, "Well, what about Mexican? We could have, like... I don't know. Burritos? Nachos? Tacos?" Mari laughed and said, "Damn, Joven. You've got a thing for food that makes your asshole burn."

Everyone except Joven laughed.

Then, Ian replied, "What about pizza? Who goes wrong with pizza, right?" Everyone nodded. So, Ian asked, "Well, where do y'all wanna order?" Mari said, "I call Pizza Hut!" Lasercorn replied, "I call Shakey's!" Sohinki added, "Papa John's!" Joven then said, "Well, what about Little Caesar's?" Anthony told them, "Those are really good choices! But I think we should get some Shakey's today."

Everyone else nodded.

Meanwhile, Lasercorn looked very happy when Anthony decided on Shakey's. So, Anthony and Ian ordered pizzas for all of them to share, and everyone dug in when their order came. And as promised, Anthony paid for their pizzas.

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