Part One

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King Chuck held his head in his hands. The king exhaled deeply, his servants watching him warily. Their leader was normally a calm, mellow man, but his well built exterior was beginning to crumble.

"Bring me my daughter," the king simply ordered, his voice drained. He looked up at his many servants, waiting for one of them to move with tired eyes.

"Right away, your majesty," one of the servants mumbled then scurried off to fetch the Princess from her chambers.

Sir Bobby Singer sat across from the king, hands folded in front of him on the grand table. He leaned forward in his chair, observing his old friend with a knowing look. "You do realize what we must do, my king?"

"Yes," the king replied somberly, head bobbing slowly. "She won't like it but it needs to be done."

His closest friend and right-hand man nodded once, resting back in his chair. The King and ex-knight spoke without speaking, their glances communicating the unsaid.

"You called, Dad?"

Her voice brought a smile to his face, but it fell when he remembered why he beckoned her here.

"Y/n, Princess," Chuck stood up from his chair and smoothed down his robes. "We need to talk."

"Oh, well, that's never good," the young princess joked as she walked over to her father. "What's up?"

King Chuck ignored his daughter's informal choice of words she must've picked up from the stable boys and sighed, preparing himself for the argument that he expected to unfold. "Lucifer intends on attacking our kingdom. I need you to get as far away from our borders as possible, for your safety."

"For my safety?" Y/n repeated disgustedly. "I am perfectly safe here, ruling at your side. Besides, it would be foolish of you to send me away. I have terrific strategy ideas, Bobby even said so himself!"

Bobby's face fell, cursing his past self for praising the intelligent princess. He should've known that it would come back to bite him in the ass.

"And what of our people's safety? You're going to need all the help you can get to maintain order among the villagers and to keep them out of harm's way," the princess continued, gesturing wildly with her arms. "So, no, father, I will not be going anywhere until you give me a damn good reason why!"

"Hush, child, and let me finish," Chuck snapped. "I'm sending you on a mission."

Y/n's face lit up with excitement. "A mission? You want me to spy on opposing kingdoms?"

"Oh, God, no," Chuck replied, shaking his head. "No, your mission is to find a prince worthy of your hand in marriage."

The princess blinked, then bursted into fits of laughter. She waited for her father to join her merriment, but he never chuckled nor smiled for that matter. "You can't be serious." King Chuck nodded. "No way! You said you would let me marry out of love!"

"Which is why you're going to find the prince yourself," Chuck retorted calmly.

Y/n exhaled through her nose sharply, closing her eyes in an attempt to calm herself down. "That is one bullshit excuse, father," the stubborn princess stated flatly.

"Language, Y/n!" her father snapped, his face reddening from rage. "Have you forgotten who we are talking about? Lucifer! He wants to capture you and use you as leverage against me. I have lost your mother to him before, and I do not plan on losing you as well."

Y/n's face dropped, her arms hanging at her sides as her whole body deflated. How could she have been so stupid? So insensitive?

King Chuck inhaled and straightened his posture. "Besides, you've stalled your coronation for long enough. I never wanted to push my hand in this, but you leave me no choice, Y/n. You must come back with a husband after the war."

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