Chapter sixteen

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As soon as Archie opens the front door the twins come running towards them with their hands in the air.


"and daddy" Archie chuckles.

Emilia and Ben wrap their arms around Veronica and lie down their heads on her stomach. She leans down as far as her belly allows it and kisses her kids' heads.

"Mommy are you and sissy okay again?" Ben asks.

"Yes sweetie, but the doctor said I need to rest more often and I have to drink a little bit more water"

He gasps "See I told you so"

"I should have listened to my mini doctor"

"Yes you should've" he says, wiggling his index finger like a warning.

"Mom!" Aurelia squeals, running down the stairs. She hugs her with her little siblings still hugging Veronica's legs.

"Does anyone care about me?" Archie asks and crosses his arms in front of his chest. He tries to seem serious but Veronica can see in his eyes that he tries to hide a laugh.

Emilia walks over to Archie and reaches her arms out to him. "No daddy, don't be sad. We love you"
He lifts her into his arms and she places her little hands on his cheeks. "But mommy was sick so we have to take care of her and love her extra much"

"I forgive you princess" he chuckles. "Where's uncle Reg? Wasn't he supposed to watch you?"

Both of the twins giggles and look at each other before Emilia turns back to Archie. "He's upstairs, talking to Josie"

"He called her because he likes her" Ben giggles and hides his face in Veronica's side.

"Really? Did he say that?"

"Mhm but don't tell him we told you" Emilia whispers.

"Speaking of like, can I go to Aaron please?" Aurelia asks, batting her eyelashes while looking from her mom to her dad and back.

"Fine but be home by 7. I want to have a family dinner tonight"

"Thanks mom" she squeals. She kisses Veronica's cheek before she runs out of the house to her car.

"Okay kids, I want to hear about anything that happened the past 20 hours but I need to sit down first"

"Come with me mommy" Ben grabs her hand and pulls her into the living room. Veronica sits down on the couch before Ben pulls a blanket over her lap. He reaches for a little blue cup, which was standing on the coffee table and hands it to his mother. It's his cup from earlier and filled with apple juice. He climbs up the couch and sits down next to Veronica.
Archie was watching the scene with Emilia still in his arms.

"Thank you my sweet little Benny, you're too cute"

"You have to drink mommy"

Archie chuckles and walks towards his wife. He sets his daughter down and kisses Veronica's head before he walks towards the stairs. "I'll check on Reggie"

He can already hear him laugh while walking upstairs. He sees his friend sitting on Emilia bed with a doll in his lap. He fiddles with its hair which makes it obvious he's nervous.
Archie knocks on the door lightly causing Reggie to turn towards him.

"Can I call you back?.... great bye" he smiles widely when he drop his phone onto the bed.

"So Josie" Archie chuckles and walks towards Reggie.

"Did the twins tell you?"

"Yes" he laughs "You can't trust five year olds. They can't keep anything to themselves"

"I really like her bro"

"It's about time. I'm a daddy of three and soon four and you don't even have a girlfriend... yet"

Reggie laughs. "Not all of us are lucky enough to find their one and only in High School"

"I know and I thank god every day for it.  You and Josie went to High School together though"

Reggie rolls his eyes but with a little smile sitting on his lips "Not the same bro"

"Wanna come downstairs with me? I've got some news to share"

Reggie nods and follows his friend back to the rest of the Andrews family.
Veronica now sits sideways on the couch so Emilia can brush her raven curls and put pink hair clips in it while Ben plays with her fingers. He loves to pull off her wedding ring, look at it and then put it back on. Veronica's eyes are closed. She enjoy her children playing with her hair and hands. It relaxes her. She cherishes every moment because she knows they won't do it forever.

"I'm gone for 5 minutes and you guys already attack mommy?" Archie chuckles.

"It's alright Archiekins, it's actually really relaxing"

"Can you relax and listen, my love? I got some news"

"What is it?"

"Well" he grins "when we were at the hospital Mr. Brown, my boss, called me. He asked me were I was and I told him I'm with my pregnant wife at the hospital because she wasn't feeling well. When I was a teenager I committed myself to the army for 20 years. That was almost 18 years ago. I thought it was best for my family. Mommy was pregnant with Aurelia and I wanted to make sure I can take care of them. Anyway when I told him mommy is pregnant again he told me about his brother who works at the hospital mommy was in. He asked me if I wanted to spend my last two years helping out at that hospital, here in Riverdale so I can stay with my family and I said yes"

"Does that mean you're never leaving again?" Emilia squeals.

"Never again honey, you're stuck with me forever"

She stands up on the couch and then jumps into his arms. He squeezes her little body towards him before he feels another pair of arms around his leg. He lifts Ben into his arms too and kisses his cheek.

"I love you two but I want to kiss mommy" he chuckles and sets the twins back down.
While Emilia walks over to Reggie, Ben doesn't move and simply watches his parents kiss. He sees how tears run down his mother's cheeks and how his dad wipes them away. He wrinkles his nose when his parents kiss over and over again. He walks back to the couch and hides his face in a pillow which makes Veronica laugh. Archie sits down on the couch and pulls Veronica into his lap.

Emilia runs her fingers through Reggie's hair and start to divide it into sections. He has the same hairstyle since high school.

"You need a haircut Reg" Veronica laughs.

"No mommy! I won't be able to braid it then anymore"

"Yeah V, you have no idea" Reggie says, imitating the little girl in his arm. He puts his hand on his hip and shakes his head lightly so all his hair falls back into place.

"Nooooo" Emilia squeals and rearranges his hair before she starts putting little braids into it.
"Now you're pretty" she giggles.

"Beautiful Reginald"

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