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the fuckers from next door still play

their punk deep into the night, they still

fuck sixteen year olds at parties, they still

leave shattered glass all over the

front lawn even though it

never glitters in a nice way. i see them

looking at me through gaps

in the curtains, i see them looking

at me in the evening when the

light has faded but the streetlights haven’t

been turned on yet, i see them looking

at me from the depths of my

breakfast bowl from the depths of

the toilet bowl as i dispense

another sticky semen-apricot mess.

i see them looking at me as i sleep and

jerking off to the

idea of sleeping naked. little fuckers

brain invaders sleep-deprived piggies 

waddling in the mud pretending to

be humans standing tottering

oinking speaking trying to

step up one step up the

evolutionary chain

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