The issue of virginity is disturbing in many places. when your peers ask you this question 'are you still a virgin? ',you may likely cower. Peers view someone who is still a virgin as a 'fool'.No wonder many people have sex before they are out of their teens.
People lose their virginity either because they were pushed by their friends or they were pulled by sexual desires. Is that your case? ,God has given us the ability to control our emotions. Friends may sugarcoat sex as something exciting and normal but it has devastating consequences. For example, Anna, who had sex with her boyfriend, recalls "later, I felt embarrassed and ashamed. I hated myself and I hated my boyfriend".This is the sad reality of engaging in immoral sex.
Ninety percent of those who engage in premarital sex are unlikely to change their habits after marriage but those who keep their virginity before marriage are likely to remain loyal to their mate .
Virginity is a precious gift given to us by our heavenly father, Jehovah. Imagine you gave a gift to your friend and you told him not to open it but out of sheer curiosity he opened it and showed less value to it. How would you feel? .Jehovah also feels bad when you engage in premarital sex.
Engaging in premarital sex can expose us to sexually transmitted diseases which can endanger our live if not Lead us to our early grave. The fact is virginity is not abnormal. It is immoral sex that is degrading and harmful. By retaining your virginity, you protect your health, your emotional wellbeing and your relationship with God.
Non-FictionBeing a virgin is a gift given to us by our creator. why throw it away?