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Lennon woke up to the familiar warmth of JJ pressed against her. She was curled in his arms, her head on his chest, and his in her neck. She took in the sight of the blonde and just admired the view, it was rare to see JJ so calm and peaceful, he truly looked happy. Lennon was staring at JJ when he bent down and kissed her forehead.

"Staring is a bit rude, Len," JJ's raspy morning voice came. Lennon could've died right then and there, she'd slept with JJ plenty of times, but she would never get used to his morning voice.

"Just admiring the view, sharkie," Lennon said giving a quick peck to his chest and tapping it, before getting up and out of bed. "Up and at em"

"Lennon if you truly love me like you say you do, you'll let me sleep in," JJ groaned as he threw his head in his pillow and tried to go back to sleep.

Lennon took this as a chance to get ready for the day and put on some denim shorts and a bikini top she had lying in JJ's closet. She was about to throw on one of his shirts when she felt someone staring at her.

"Staring is rude, J," Lennon smiled repeating JJ's words, turning around only to be met with the face of Luke. Lennon's smile quickly disappeared and she grew uncomfortable. JJ could sense something was up and took his face out of his pillow and grew angry at the sight of his dad eyeing Lennon. Lennon quickly put on a shirt,"Sorry, sir. I was just"

"Get the fuck out, now," JJ seethed. All the boy could see is red. He made eye contact with Lennon who mouthed 'no' and stood up, shoving his dad away from the girl. Luke stumbled around trying to regain his balance and put his hands up in surrender.

"Hey just admirin' the view that's all," Luke mocked Lennon's previous statement. JJ went to lunge for him again but Lennon quickly grabbed his arm back and rubbed soothing circles on his back.

"Pathetic, really son. Lennon holding you back and all. Hey Lenny, tell your dad I'll be over for dinner tonight. Oh shit, heh. You should join, but maybe put on a shirt, wouldn't want a repeat of last time," and with that JJ pinned his father to the wall gripping his collar.

Lennon just stood back in shock, she knew Luke tended to rile her up, just for JJ to go at him, but he never brought up the incident. Luke tried to fight back in his intoxicated state, but to no avail. When JJ had started choking him, Lennon finally stepped in. She grabbed JJ's hands off of Luke's neck, the boy allowing her to do so, and Luke quickly ran off. She waited for JJ to calm down and slow his breathing before sitting him on the bed.

"JJ, hey look at me bub," Lennon said grabbing his face with her hands noticing the slight tears in his eyes. JJ places his hands on top of hers and sighed.
"It's alright, J. It's gonna be okay."

"No it's not!" "Lennon, I'm not gonna let him talk about you like that- or, or even look at you. Matter of fact, I'm gonna go kill the bastard," JJ shouted and tore his grip away from Lennon. He was pissed and she understood that, but she wasn't gonna let him know that his father had already left, she heard the truck leave the driveway. JJ had made a move to get up and head out but Lennon grabbed his wrist and sat him back down.

"JJ it's fine. Look I'm fine. We're gonna be okay, I'm not going to dinner tonight and neither are you okay, hey look come here," Lennon said coaxing the boy and pulling him into a hug.

"M' sorry," JJ mumbled into her neck. The boy felt so bad, he could handle when his dad beat the shit out of him, but the way he looked at Lennon earlier made him furious.

drowning - J.M DISCONTINUED UNTIL S2Where stories live. Discover now