Married life

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Things will be explained about this book below or at least part

I don't feel like it's that long sorry I feel bad but I'm working on it
Raina's POV

It was the next day from the wedding and I was cuddle up with Eret in bed, it felt so good to be married because now I could spend my life with him and I know that nobody could take that away from me, I felt him shift beneath me and his eyes opened slightly and he looked at me "Hey beautiful" he said to me his morning voice making me smile "Hey, you okay" I asked him lying down on his stomach listening to his heart beat "Better than okay, I'm married to the most perfect woman" I felt him stroke my hair and I laughed, he may not seem it but he is incredibly considerate and I think if anyone saw this side of him he'd be completely embarrassed

"And I married the most amazing man" I said looking at him in the eye he leaned up and kissed me I smiled into the kiss we pulled sort and went to get dressed, it was still a bit weird knowing he had seen me naked and to get undressed and change in front of him it would take some getting used to but I'm sure I would

Right now I could feel the boat rocking slowly across the waves and Eret went into one of the rooms to make breakfast for us both Whitt's I went up to the deck it was beautiful up her the sky was clear the sun shine brightly I could probably spend all day up here it was simply perfect for the both us. I went to a compartment in the floor and pulled out a wooded box and out it in the middle of the deck and pulled another two barrels out for seating , Eret came up not too long after with food and we ate in comfortable silence.

"I had a great time last night" he suddenly said and the moments from the night before I remembered clear as day and my face turned crimson "Yeah me too" I replied trying to cover my face "There's no need to be embarrassed about it, it was fun" he said laughing slightly I laughed with him that I could agree on "It's not that I wasn't embarrassed it's just so many feelings were happening at once and being so vulnerable to each other" I said taking a bite of my eggs "Yeah but we've been vulnerable to each other before and this isn't much of a change, well it is but..." he trailed if he couldn't finish his reasoning which made me laugh "Yeah I get what your trying to say" isa di finishing the last bite and taking Erets plate away he stayed above deck and moved the table away.

Apparently in a week we would be at the Island that we would be spending our honeymoon and that would be fun for us, apparently it was a glorious Place that had a lit of vegetation, a forest, a lagoon that we could swim in, it even had a hot springs that was below a volcano that heated it up it sounded like such an amazing place to be in I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Eret's POV

Raina took my plate of me once I'd finished and went below deck to clean, I just made a fool of myself in front of my wife, well it seems I'll be getting used to that, in my mind I knew what I was trying to say and I couldn't help but laugh when her face turned crimson it was true last night would be the most vulnerable we would be with each other and many other night too but that gave us more trust between out bond and to know that from doing it we were officially a married couple and I could feel happier about it

In my opinion last night was amazing, it was both our first times but we knew what we were doing and now I could spend my nights either and only her because that's all I want to be by her side constantly, looking out for her and like I said in sickness and in health I would be there to help and guide her, I decided to clean up the table and place the box back into the deck and put the barrels back in the corner for a week that would be out seating arrangement but I didn't mind I could wait to get to the island though for our honeymoon it's going to be amazing.

I walked below deck and saw Raina washing up I stood there for a few seconds she was just starting at the wall cleaning one of the plates that was already clean, thinking about something I'm guessing I don't think she even knows I'm here, I went up to her putting my arms around her waist she tensed but then put her hand on my arms "Whatcha thinking about" I asked her placing my head on her shoulder "Our honeymoon spot it sounds so amazing and you said there was a volcano" she answered excitedly I could help but laugh also at her childlike she was "Yep massive volcano dormant though so no life or death situations for us" I said "Aww to bad they are what brings the fun in life" she said and walked down and sat in the seating area I smiled always having a sense of adventure within her it's what I love about her.

"How many life or death situations have you been in exactly" I asked before we married we'd sit up all night talking about all the adventures we had well mostly her mind were more torturous and scary but I always loved to sit around the fire and listen to her go on about her and her friends running away from scary tribes and jumping of mountains to escape "I couldn't even count them all the ones I've told you have not even scratched the surface" she smiled as I sat down across from her "Well we have all the time in the world now don't we" I said smiling as she began her tale

Married life, it's gonna be awesome


Wow this story really got away from me truth is I think I rushed it too much and right now I'm trying to write another one but where they knew each other when she was younger and it goes into more detail with back story's and everything so when I get a few chapters done that I think are good enough then I'll post them but for now it's not ready

I know a lot of people love this book so for now I may continue with updating it I say that but it may escape from me but I'm not going away from this account any time soon so it'll catch up to me again as for my watching their movies I'll try get the next chapter up as soon as I can

But for now I hopped you liked reading this chapter

Okay thanks for the support and so many reads

Anyways now I haven't got much else to say except I hope yall are doing okay



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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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