Chapter 5 - Final

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"Okay, yeah, I saw him at the party." Began Soobin as he looked Taehyun dead in the eye.
"Beomgyu had a bit to drink and thought he could take on some of the older lads. He went over and threw a few punches.."

Last Friday, 11:39pm

"Oi, you, the one in the black jacket." Yelled Beomgyu as alcohol coursed through his veins, making him braver and bolder.
The man the shouting was aimed at turned violently and snarled at Beomgyu.
"What'd you want, twink?" Barked the man, already eyeing up where he was going to hit Beomgyu if the situation escalated.

"Shut up!" Yelled Beomgyu as he stepped forward. That comment had hit a nerve.
"Make me." Snarled the man.
Beomgyu lunged forwards, trying to land a punch.
The man swiftly grabbed Beomgyu by the collar and pulled him towards him. Landing a punch square on his jaw in one movement.

Beomgyu fell lifeless to the floor, hitting his head on the corner of the wall.
"Mate, did ya kill him?" Called one of the mans friends. The man looked down to his hands. Covered in Beomgyu's blood.
"You grab his legs and I'll grab his arms." He directed to his friends.

Soobin turned around hesitantly. He wasn't supposed to be here. He's told his parents he was at his friends house studying, as this was definitely classed as the 'wrong crowd' to be around by them.
This was the popular crowd.
Drink, drugs and hook ups.
And Soobin was here for all of that. He wanted to be popular.

The man stopped just before the exit, "Anyone mention this outside of the party will get it, just like he did." Referencing to Beomgyu.
Soobin slouched down on the floor.
Was that Beomgyu?
Why was he here, he went out with Kai, didn't he?

"Where did they take him?" Asked Taehyun.
"I- I don't know." Stuttered Soobin as he looked down to his hands.
"So your telling me, these men potentially killed your brother and you don't know where they took him?"
"The river bank." Mumbled Soobin as he broke down in tears.

Taehyun stood on the river bank. Silent and tranquil. Taehyun stepped into the river, careful of his step.
He took a few more paces until his foot hit something.
He looked down, tear in his eye.
"Boys... We found Choi Beomgyu."

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