Chapter Nine

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-(Y/n)'s POV:
I don't know what happened but all that I know is we were being woken up by bombs going off all around the town, I jumped up and dressed Nic did the same' We need to go back to Benriya' I signed and he nodded we grabbed our swords and took off

On the middle of our road to Benriya we were stopped by some girl who was eating lollipop,,This will be fun"she said and twirled her axe around (by now I'm going off my memory and my imagination, sorry if I was wrong for the weapon) Nicolas stood in front of me 'You need to go (Y/n)!' he signed but I refused,,I'm not leaving you!"I said to him he turned his head to me so that he could read my lips

'Just listen to me once! Go! Go to Benriya and find Worick and Alex' he signed and I had tears in my eyes,,Please" he pleaded I gave him a quick kiss and took of running I turned around and saw Nic fighting that with that girl, I ran as fast as I could and I was worried about him what if he dies? No, no (Y/n) stop thinking that! Nicolas will be fine, he is strong!

By the time I finally got to Benriya I had to kill at least 10 people who attacked me I had blood all over me and I felt sick damn this pregnancy!!,,Alex! Worick!"I yelled as I barged in the house,,(Y/n)! Oh thank got you came back!" Alex said and hugged me but quickly letting me go once she saw me practically bloody from head to toe,,What happened! And where is Nicolas?"she asked me,,I don't know we woke up hearing bombs going off all around the town and on our way here we were stopped by some crazy chick with a damn axe and Nic told me to run and go to Benriya" I cried,,I don't know if he is okay or no!"I said and she hugged me again,,Shhh it's okay I'm sure that Nicolas is on his way here right now" she said and I calmed down

,,Alex where is Worick?"I asked her,,He went to Monroe's house he was called to go there" she said and I sighed,,I need to go and find him and Nicolas"i said and went to the doors but she stopped me,,You can't (Y/n)! You are pregnant you can't fight we need to stay here"she said but I shook my head at her

,,No you stay if you want but I cant I'm a fucking Twighlight I need to protect my people no matter what! I'm the strongest one I have the highest rank its my duty to protect them"i said,,You go to Theo's place and stay there with him and Nina, as soon as I find either of the two I'm going straight there okay?"I said and she finally gave up,,Okay but please be careful, I can't lose you too" she said and I hugged her,,Don't worry you won't I swear on my life that I will get back"i said and with that I went running out of the house and onto the streets I was running when I saw Nicolas in and alleyway thing that had some tunel or whatever it is with Delico, Yang and Monroe and that bastard Ivan!

,,Nicolas!"I yelled and Delico turned to me once he heard me,,(Y/n) what are you doing here!" he screamed at me but I stood in front of Nicolas who was on the ground bleeding,,Oh-hoo~isn't that the famous (Y/n)-chan!"Ivan said and i glared at him,,You! I knew this was all your doing!" I yelled at him but he smirked,,Oh now dear (Y/n) don't be like that"he said and looked over my shoulder and soon I felt arms wrap around my neck but my instincts kicked in and I flipped the person over my shoulder and held my sword to it's neck I saw the familiar tattoo on the person's neck and I regreted looking into its eyes

I was meet with the same crystal blue eyes that hunted me in my dreams I backed away from him not believing my eyes there in front of me stood no other than my brother,,No that's not possible"i wishpered,,Oh but it is my dear"Ivan laughed,,Elliott?"I asked him but he looked at the ground not meeting my eyes,,You fucker! What did you do to my brother you stupid son of a bitch!" I yelled at Monroe and Ivan,,Oh we didn't do anything my dear, we just made him stronger"Monroe said,,Elliott come on we need to go" Ivan said that's when I noticed another person beside him it was Erica, Delico's sister!

My brother backed away and went to Monroe,,Oh no you are not going anywhere!"I yelled and lounged at him sword in hand, but my brother stopped me by fighting me I don't want to fight him

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