The first time I'm tagged so I'm kinda excited lol
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2) 1- I'm 1,63m,yes,a shortie 2- I'm really an introvert 3- I like lemon candies 4-my hands are the smallest in my classroom 5-i like police series,like CSI,the mentalist 6-i have good grades 7-i took mbti test and I'm ISTP-T 8-i sleep with a small,green teddy bear 9- I have a resting bitch face,so people often misunderstands me,they think I don't like them,or I'm cold,or a bad person 10- I'm just a crackhead 11-i really like taking care of others and giving love,but I'm not used to be the one who's being cared(? 12- I'm really clingy. I want hugs and affection 24/7 but I'm really shy to ask so I only cling to my Best friends and parents 13- I didn't lie when I told I am shy. I can't talk to strangers,like,if I go to a store,my voice is hard to hear,or I sound like a child. 5-hard a2g4h5j6k7 jeonya10 guribup chenle_bestboi chanlixofficialceo park_jeongyeon9596 sooniebear ayeemyg suga_hope_ H