Chapter 31

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As the months rolled by, I caught up to where I should've been if I hadn't tried to weasel my way of of the family curse. Both Tombutoo and my parents were glad I was making progress. My friends, however, began to miss me after a while. I spent the duration of the summer either at work or with Tombutoo. They didn't see me again until school started. Even then, that was the only time they saw me. At least until my birthday.
Once my birthday rolled around, everyone got Tombutoo's permission to steal me away long enough for us to celebrate my birthday. Though my birthday didn't really seem to matter much to me this year. I wanted to start preparing everyone for the possibility of having to get through the day without me being there to celebrate. Chelsea and Hazel did everything they could to persuade me to still enjoy what could've been their last chance to celebrate my birthday with me there. When that failed, my parents told me it could very well be my last birthday and to make the most of it.
After a few minutes of pleading and puppy dog looks from my friends and an encouraging look from my parents and Tombutoo, I caved. Somehow knowing I'd cave, Jay produced a black spaghetti strapped skater dress with a white skull crocheted on the back. I must admit, my friends knew me better than I knew myself.
"You can even wear your cowboy boots." She told me.
The twins threw me a party at their house since their parents were on a boat somewhere in the middle of the ocean for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Since I was out of curcuit all summer, they didn't know Ryan and I broke up and invited him to my party. or he showed up anyway. He barely looked at me the whole party let alone ignored me.
I ended up taking my parents' advice about making the most out of what could possibly be my last birthday. I did what no one ever expected me to: I got black out drunk. Was it a bad idea for me to do that? Of course. Did I care waht happened as a result? Hell no. If I had to make the most out of this birthday, I was going to do whatever I could do to enjoy what little time I could possibly have with my friends. Even if it meant I wouldn't remember it later.'
Ryan and I haven't spoken since we broke up eight months ago. We pass each other in the halls at school, but he always looks away. He doesn't even speak to me during classes anymore. He's been acting as if I never existed, as if our relationship never happened. I tried to convince myself it was all a joke, and he never really wanted to be with me. Deep down, I knew he only did it to ease the pain of losing me.
I couldn't really blame him. I probably would've felt the same way if the roles were reversed. Though  probably would've stayed with him anyway and spent whatever time we had left together. All of this way the only thing  could think about while my vision was blurred and my words were slurred and I drank almost an entire bottle of tequilla. I did learn that night that I am a sappy drunk that can't stop crying until I pass out cold. Sadly, that was the only thing I remember about that night.
Aside from school and work, I didn't do anything else. Mom and Dad rearranged Thanksgiving and Christmas so my grandparents came to us instead of usgoing to them. My mom's parents knew nothing of the curse, so she told them I had some kid of big school project and SATs and whatever else typical high school juniors do.
Unfortunately, putting the curse first meant I was missing out on a lot this year, including my junior prom that just so happened to be tonight. My friends tried talking me into going, but I chose not to. Tombutoo said it was my decision if I wanted to go. I didn't want to go when I still had so much to do and so little time to do it. Not to mention, I didn't want to go knowing Ryan would probably be there with some other girl.
"You know you could've gone tonight if you really wanted to."
"But I don't want to. I have work to do."
"And you've been doing very good. You deserve a break."
"I don't want to take a break. I want to get this done."
"Mag, is it possible you just don't want to go because you and Ryan aren't together anymore, and you just don't want to go alone?"
I was left speechless. Tombutto had pretty much hit the nail right on the head. It hurt a lot that I wasn't going with Ryan this year. So I decided not to go at all. It was easier said than done. Especially since everyone knew how much I wanted to go.
"You don't need a date to some school dance. If you can do this, you can go to a dance alone." I shrugged in agreement.
"You really think I should go?"
"I think you would regret it if you didn't."
Whether or not I would go was no contest. I dove into my closet for the dress my mom bought me. She surprised me with a strapless knee length dress with a corset bust and red roses on the skirt. She said she got it just in case I changed my mind. I guess it's true that mothers know their daughter's every move before they do. I paired my dress with a pair of black wedges and I was on my way.

Dedicated to all the kids that didn't get to go their prom this year because of COVID-19, or never went for whatever reason, including myself.

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