chapter 2

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When I woke up I was in a hospital bed. I let out a loud groan of pain from the headache I have. The door opened and there was one of the doctors walking in. The doctor smiled at me" Hello, (Y/n) so glad to see you awake."he said with the same smile on his face. I groaned again and touched my head" what happened?" I groaned out.

[time skip]

The doctor explained what happened which made me remember everything that happened. I've been crying for hours now, I've calmed down a little. Then they let my mom in which calmed me down all the way. Now we're just watching TV.

[time skip]

It's been a few hours now and it is time for me to get checked out, which I was happy about as all the sick people were making me anxious. The cops already asked me questions about the attack on the school. I left out the faceless man part not wanting to sound crazy. Me and mom walked out of the hospital and headed towards the car. For some reason I felt like I was being watch making me even more anxious than before. As I speed walk to the car and jump in. When I got in the car I relaxed a little bit. A few minutes later mom got into the car and we drove home. The car ride home was silent . As soon as we got to the house I got out of the car and quickly got in the house and into my room. I shut my door going to my window, locking it then shutting my curtains . I let out a sigh and lay on my bed feeling tired. I ended up passing out.

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