Ch. 3: Eat

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"eat my food or eat my dick?"

jungkook chokes on his spit, cursing under his breath before grabbing the fork again and shoves the food into his mouth, chewing it and gulping it down, "happy?" jungkook turns his head towards jimin as the older laughs and nods as a reply.

"what's so funny boys?" junghee ask them both as jimin's father jikyung also looks at them, "oh nothing, it's just jungkookie has a rice on his lips" jimin says that made jungkook to quickly remove it but he kept missing it, "here let me take it for you", jimin brought his thumb to jungkook's lips, feeling the softness of his lips first before taking the single piece of rice, bringing his thumb on his own lips and ate the rice as jungkook watches him do that.

jungkook turns away, continuing to eat the meal infront of him (the food not jimin) not giving jimin a single glance because he might do some weird shit again, "I'll be going now" jungkook said, standing up from his seat taking his plate to the sink before leaving the dining area, "oh? and where are you going?".

"to meet taehyung at a cafe"

"let me go with you", jimin said, as he stood up and smiled at him,"ugh what now?" jungkook groans, letting jimin to follow him as he took his phone and wallet, bidding a goodbye to his mother and stepfather.

"I'm just giving you a lift, and also i have work to do"

"I don't need a lift, i have my bi-", jimin drags him to his car opening the door to it before shoving jungkook gently inside,"you could just ask me to get inside not shove me!", jungkook pouts as his eyes followed jimin walking around the car to get to the other side,"i did that because you will argue with me again", jimin says as he starts the engine and starts driving, jungkook sighs turning on his phone and messaged his bestfriend.

hyung, im on the way

okay! cya later kook!

see ya...

"so...what cafe are you going to?"

jimin speaks first breaking the silence, as he waits for jungkook to answer "just drop me near the gas station, I'll just walk from there", jungkook's still focused on his phone while saying that calmly to jimin,"no, i am taking you there so tell me where".

"oh jimin, please just drop me there"

"jungkook", jimin hit the brake suddenly causing jungkook to answer, "okay fine fine! Sugar Cafe", the younger looks out on the window after he puts his phone back inside his pocket, jimin chuckles before saying,"that wasn't so hard, was it?".

"dickhead", jungkook whispers but jimin heard that, the older shakes his head."calling me dickhead aye? do you want to see my dick?", jungkook widen his eyes, turning his head to look at his stepbrother currently shocked at what he said,"no! what the fuck? are you crazy?".

"what? you've been calling me dick since earlier", jimin laughs when he turns to look at jungkook for a second to see him pouting,"so? it doesn't mean that i want to see that small dick of yours", jungkook rolls his eyes not knowing that he's making jimin angry at the moment,"oh you'll see"


"we're here", jimin pulls up infront of the cafe as he looks at jungkook's direction seeing him fast asleep, giggling at the younger's pouty lips and takes off his own seatbelt and leans in jungkook's space,"kookie, we're here".

the older shakes him gently waiting for him to open his eyes as the younger did few seconds later,"huh? oh thanks", jungkook stretched his arms, rubbing his eyes as he looks outside confirming if they really are already at the cafe,"call me later so i can pick you up", jimin said before fastening his seatbelt again and stares at jungkook who's eyes are still processing where he is.

"n-no need, i can go home by myself", the younger takes off his seatbelt and opens the car door, leaving jimin behind.

"bye kook", jungkook waves his hand as he goes inside the cafe.

"kook!!! you're finally here!", taehyung ran towards his friend hugging him tightly,"get off I can't breath", jungkook groans as the older breaks the hug and drags jungkook to the seat he saved for them near the entrance of the cafe, taehyung already ordered them some milkshakes, strawberry for him and vanilla for jungkook.

"so... tell me"

"tell you what?"

"tell me about your stepbrother, is he cute?", taehyung smiles widely flashing his beautiful eyes at him causing the younger to make a face at him.

"oh cut that shit, and why would i tell you about him?", jungkook brushed his hair with his hand obviously fixing it.

taehyung whined at him kicking his leg under the table,"ow! why would you want to know about him though?" jungkook glares at him, the waitress already came to their table to give them their milkshakes and also giving them free 3 pieces of cookie to the both of them, suspiciously.

"thanks for the cookie!", taehyung smiles at the waitress as the girl bowed at them sending back a smile,"huh? weird why would they give a free cookie?", jungkook tilts his head looking at the other customer's orders, seeing there's no cookie at their table,"maybe because we're handsome".

taehyung poses infront of him like a model, as the other sighs taking one cookie from the plate.

"ew this taste weird, don't you think?"

"nope it taste totally fine", taehyung finishes his plate of cookies, taking a sip from his milkshake as the younger did too,"this drink taste weird too, i think they put some expired stuffs in here", jungkook makes a disgusted face not taking a bite on his cookie nor taking a sip from his banana milkshake again,"you're just imagining things, anyway! let's talk about your stepbrother"

"oh come on!"


"dude, that boy looks amazing i would totally smash!" a random stranger near jungkook's table whisper to his other friend,"yeah they really look good", the stranger looks at the two young men's table, licking his lips as they think of what should they do to them, "maybe we could take the other guy? the guy over there looks like he can punch us both".

"i agree, here give this to the barista"

"got it boss"

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