Coming soon

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Okay this is going to be another Logan Henderson story cause those stories are quite popular with my followers, and with my audience which I love, and you guys are loving the Logan stories i put up. Logan just found out he has a daughter, and she is only a baby around two months old at the time. The baby's mother doesn't want anything to do with her, so she drops the baby off at Logan's house on his doorstep with a note attached to the blanket explaining about the baby like how old she is and how much she weighed at birth as well as her birthday.

Logan opens the door to the baby girl who was crying up a storm in her little basket that she was in cause she was not a very happy camper at all, and she needed to feel loved, and have someone to care for her as well cause her mom just gave her up without a thought or care in the world right now.

He vows to never give his only daughter up for adoption even though she is a surprise to him, and he didn't know about her. Logan raises her completely out of the spotlight and everything else, and he keeps her a secret from his friends as well cause they didn't need to know he had a daughter with a girl he met and hanged out with, and she fell pregnant with the little girl, and shut him out of her life completely until this moment. His little girl grows up and follows in her father's footsteps, and she wonders why he didn't give her up either like her mom did all those years ago, and she becomes a big sister cause Logan of course adopts a baby girl, so the girls can be close.

The girls get along great as well in the long run the biological daughter vows to protect her adoptive sister at all cost. Logan gets a court order so the mother doesn't come back for their daughter cause he reads some horrible things about her. He doesn't want his daughter to have that vibe, and he loves his girls to the moon and back cause his love for his girls is not broken or gone from either memory of him or his girls

The first chapter will be coming maybe some Tuesday night cause this story is going on Tuesday's lineup for sure and will stay there. I just want to work on this chapter, and get the views up as well. Maybe once they go up the chapter will go up cause I have to come up with the names for the girls as well cause I have not had much of a chance to do that cause of work still being nuts cause we are short staffed like crazy at both stores, and we barely get much help at all, and the ones that we trained leave to go elsewhere or go back to their original department, but the one helps out when we need him and he is superb, and there might be times where we have him for a week or not very much, and the other store has a another person as well

A father's love for his daughter is never broken or gone wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now