Some old art-

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I found an old Kokichi Ōma drawing, scanned it hoping it would look better and it just got worse–

HsjsjdjdjsjsjdhshshdhhrhehfurhdhhdhdhdhdhdhrhdhdhhrhrhrheiwhrjeheI found an old Kokichi Ōma drawing, scanned it hoping it would look better and it just got worse–

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Idk why I did this, also; the top right face looks like it's gettin' frisked–

Anyways, the only reason I'm posting this is b'cause it's taking forever to update my other stuff and got bored, so

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Anyways, the only reason I'm posting this is b'cause it's taking forever to update my other stuff and got bored, so... c'yall

(I would prolly get more done if I focused better but who cares– toooootally not me :,D )

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