Chapter 6

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Shadow started to calm himself down and dry his tears. He got out of Sonic's embrace and pulled himself together. "*sniff* I-I can't thank you enough for this."

"Don't worry about it. I wouldn't willingly let you or Stormy live like that anymore. Hopefully you and your family will feel at home here." Sonic said.

"Hey!" Stormy's voice exclaimed.

Sonic and Shadow turned to her as she ran up to them.

"Don't make mommy sad!" She yelled as she pointed at Sonic.

Shadow took Stormy in his arms. "Stormy, we do not yell or point at people. It is very rude. What do you say?" Shadow stated making Stormy look at him in the eyes.

Stormy looked at Sonic with a frown. "Sorry." She groaned.

"It's okay Stormy. I forgive you." Sonic said with a smile.

"Very good dear." Shadow said petting the top of her head. "Now Stormy, this is Sonic's house. This is our new home. So you have to listen to what Sonic tells you to do. Okay?" Shadow explained carefully to his daughter.

Stormy nodded to her mother. "Okay mommy." She spoke.

Sonic chuckled at the two hedgehogs.

"What's so funny?" Shadow asked.

"Nothing, it's just that I've never seen you parent before. Its nice to see you like this." Sonic commented.

Shadow blushed a little at Sonic's comment. "Well how else am I suppose to teach Stormy how to act and behave? I don't like yelling at her and I refuse to spank her." Shadow explained.

"Well Whatever you're doing is working. She seems to listen and behave pretty well." Sonic said.

"She's a very good girl. Aren't you?" Shadow said tickling Stormy.

Stormy laughed while her mother tickled her sides. "I'm a good girl!" She laughed happily.

Sonic smiled at the child. "She really is." He commented.

Suddenly Stormy's stomach started to rumble.

"I'm hungry mommy." She said rubbing her tummy.

"Well there's plenty of snacks in the kitchen. Let's go see what sounds good to ya Stormy." Sonic spoke.

Stormy smiled and nodded.

Shadow put her down and stood up with Sonic. They walked to the kitchen together.

Sonic opened his snack cabinet. "What do like Stormy?"

"I love sweets!" Stormy giggles.

"Stormy you know having too much sweets is bad for you." Shadow spoke ruffling her head.

"How about a little bag of pretzels?" Sonic said pulling out a snack sized bag of mini pretzels.

Stormy nodded excitedly and extended her arms.

Sonic opened the bag and gave it to her.

"Thank you!" She said as she started to eat them.

Shadow chuckled at his happy daughter and watched her walked out of the kitchen with her snack. "Hey Stormy, stay in here while your-"

"It's fine Shadow. I'm not strict about that kind of stuff." Sonic reassured.

Shadow nodded and remained silent.

The two were left in an awkward silence. They didn't really know what to say to each other.

Suddenly a stomach grumble was heard again.

Sonic took a look a Shadow who had a hard blush on his face. Sonic chuckled and grabbed another bag of pretzels from his cabinet. He tossed it to Shadow.

Shadow caught it. "Thanks." He said a little embarrassed.

"Your welcome. And don't be afraid to ask for food or anything. Like I said, this is your home now too. Especially if it's for you, you're eating for two now. Ya gotta keep the baby healthy right?" Sonic chuckled.

Shadow smiled and nodded. "Yeah." He spoke and started to eat his snack.

Sonic took another look at Shadow's abdomen. 'It's just unbelievable for me. The Shadow I used to fight and race with is so fragile and has a baby growing inside him.' Sonic thought.

Shadow noticed Sonic was staring at him. "Sonic, you're staring." He said.

Sonic snapped out of it and shook his head. "Was I? Sorry about that." Sonic chuckled scratching the back of his neck.

"It's fine, it just makes me a little uncomfortable." Shadow said.

"Sorry, I'm still trying to process everything." Sonic spoke.

"Trust me, I know how that feels. When I first got pregnant with Stormy I couldn't believe it myself. I was more scared than anything. But after I started showing and felt her kicks for the first time, my fears went away and I was so excited to have her in my life." Shadow smiled looking over at Stormy eating her snack.

"I'm glad she makes you so happy. You deserve that." Sonic commented.

"Thanks, But I actually have a question for you." Shadow requested.

"Ask away." Sonic replied.

"When I woke up after I had passed out. I noticed that I was in a different set of clothes and they weren't mine. Especially the pair of boxers." Shadow blushed.

"If you're asking if I changed your clothes. I did because I thought it would help with your fever. And it did. So don't worry, I close my eyes when I changed your pants and underwear. I didn't see anything I wasn't supposed to." Sonic explained with a faint blush on his face.

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure." Shadow said stilling having his blush on his face.

"Mommy! Can we play a game?" Stormy called.

Shadow turned his head to where she was. "Ugh, sure! I'll be there in a minute!" Shadow replied and turned to Sonic.

"Go play with your daughter and I'll start dinner." Sonic said.

Shadow smiled and nodded. He left the kitchen and to where his daughter was.

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