Chapter 15: Mission Impossible?

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Year 6062

Planet Verlsia




Alexa's POV


I don't know what's up with Sterling, but that guy needs help.

He advised us to recruit aliens, but doesn't want us to leave the planet. Who does that?

Anyway, Sophie was not taking his advice seriously. I was getting REALLY FRUSTRATED.

"Sophie, come on! What is our plan B?"

Sophie shrugged.

I floated towards Sophie, who was still sitting on that white marble bench.

I looked her straight in the eye. "We. Do. Not. Have. A. Plan. B." I paced around the white, circular room. "This is our only chance of saving the aliens. Recruit aliens, start a war against HAS. It's our only plan."

"We could just sneak on my dad's ship, release the aliens, and foil his plans." Sophie stood up and paced back and forth, almost bumping into me a couple of times. "That could be our plan B."

"What's the point of that? We both know that your dad would just capture more aliens." I narrowed my eyes. "We need to stop him once and for all."

"Fine." Sophie slumped back down on the bench. Then, she suddenly perked up and with a cunning smile, said, "I will help you, if you let me-" she paused, her eyes filled with excitement.

"What?!" I interrupted her dramatic pause.

"Pilot the spaceship."

Ugh! She was always trying to do this! But then I thought back to all the times Sophie had expertly swerved asteroids and rocketed us at light-speed, I decided maybe she wasn't so bad after all.

"Fine, you can pilot Stella, but I control the radar system and programming stuff."

"Yes!" Sophie pumped her fist into the air. "Wait, who's Stella?"

"I named the ship Stella," I said, grinning at Sophie.

Sophie blinked.

I changed the subject. "Should we leave now?"

Sophie nodded, still confused by the 'Stella' thing. "Uh, where's the door? Where are we anyway?"

Oh, dear. Sophie was getting even more confused.

"We are in the headquarters and hideout of the real Keepers of the Lost Cities."

I floated toward a white wall that was a shade darker than the others and placed one of my tentacles on an invisible doorknob. I pushed my weight against the wall. A door-shaped hole in the solid wall appeared.


A very grumpy looking Sterling led us into a circular black elevator. Sophie stood in the middle of the elevator, very wide-eyed.

"This is the ancient and rare Celestial Black Diamond." She whispered to me, slapping the walls of the elevator with her robotic hand.

The Black Diamond on the walls glimmered and shone, reflecting our reflections everywhere.

The elevator started moving upwards.

Sophie whispered to me again, "Black Diamonds make the strongest weapons, if only Sterling would let me..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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