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Collecting seashells was always the most relaxing way to spend the day. Or at least to Kairi. After greeting her friends by the shores, she would promptly undergo her search for the shells that stood out to her the most. She'd spend hours or even the whole day before she was satisfied with her finds. Then, when the day was done, she would put them away in her chest of treasures at the foot of her bed and get ready to add to her collection the next day. Today was no different.

Seashells come in all shapes and sizes and this time, Kairi was looking for the tiny ones. She sloshes around in ankle deep waters, barefoot and red. She'd spent longer than she thought she would be looking for them. She had remembered seeing some a few days ago. Maybe she's just not in the right spot. Kairi studies the ocean, one hunched-back step at a time. Before she realized it, the water was up to her knees and she was by the docks.


It sounded like Riku, one of the older boys on the island. However, her eyes couldn't confirm it. Staring into sun-reflecting waters put a weird strain on them. Kairi closes her eyes to readjust and uses a hand to shield them from the sun when she opens them again. Yep, Riku. He was standing on the docks, looking down on her with something in his hand and a grin on his face.

"Sup!" She stands up. "What brings you here?"

"Your shoes." He squats and presents a pair of slip-ons to her. "I found the seagulls fighting over them again."

Kairi sheepishly laughs. "I would have found them eventually. Thanks."

"Looking for shells again," Riku asks, setting the shoes on the wooden dock. Kairi responds with a simple nod. "I don't get it. Why do you like them so much? They're everywhere on this island."

"Don't say they aren't special, cuz they are," Kairi quickly defends. Riku simply holds his hands up. "Besides, I already told you. I fell in love with these when I first came to this island. They're awesome and pretty and-."

"And collecting dust in your trunk." Kairi sticks her tongue at him. "I get that you like them, but why collect so many? What do you even do with them?"

Kairi takes a brief pause to answer. "Well, I collect them because no two are ever the same. They're all different and unique. And as far as what I do with them, I dunno. I like sharing moments with them. Kinda like friends."


"Shells are like friends. Unique and with moments to share. Though, the best ones aren't the ones I pick for myself."


"No! The shells!"

Riku scratches his head, patiently trying to make sense of Kairi's words. "So, your favorite shells are the ones...," he lingers, looking for the pickup.

"The ones others give to me. Everyone on the island has given me at least one."

"Well, everyone knows you love them," Riku explains.

"And that's why they're special. People care enough to give me a simple token of affection."

"So, the shells are special or the friends?"

Kairi sighs and shakes her head with a smile. "If you're just going to make me repeat myself, maybe you should go do something else. I don't ask you why you like fighting."

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