M-"hey mads I wanna talk to you about something,can we go in your room." ML-"yeah for sure" M-"do you like drew" ML-"yeah he's my best friend" M-"you know what I mean,do you like him more than a friend" ML-*sigh* "yes ok you cought me" M-"why did you just tell me" ML-"I don't know I don't want to like him because of what's happened in the past but every time he smiles or talks or does anything I get this feeling,like butterflies in my stomach" M-"aw your in love with him" ML-"I wish I wasn't,I don't wanna get hurt again" M-"it's fine drew would never do anything to hurt you" ML-"are you sure" M-"I'm positive,now let's go out there and not be afraid of loving!" ML-"yeah let's do this!, I'm not afraid of being in love!" M-"that's the spirit" ML-"thank you maddy" M-"it's no problem, look I have to go run some errands but I'll be back soon ok" ML-"oh ok" ♡︎ D-"hey mads" ML-"hey,where's Rudy and chase" D-"oh they just left with maddy" ML-"oh that's strange" D-"yeah,anyway I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie" ML-"yeah sure" D-"ok I'll get snacks you go get blankets" ML-"copy that" D-"all ready" ML-"yup" D-"ok what do you want to watch" ML-"ooo what about y/f/m (your favorite movie" D-"good choice" ♡︎ Mads and drew watch their movie while drew is sitting on the couch with mads' head resting on his lap as he plays with her hair. After a few hours the two fall asleep cuddled together only to wake up to this.⬇️
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Tagged:@madslewis & @drewstarkey @hichasestokes:aw look at the two of them 🤍 @rudeth:they need to hurry up and date @drewstarkey:stalker
♡︎ D-"really chase" C-"I'm sorry I had to " D-"*sigh* "I'm gonna kill you" C-"what time I have some stuff I gotta do" D-"I didn't know madelyn renamed herself'stuff' C-"I hate you" D-"love you to man" ♡︎ Drew looks down and sees mads still sleeping peacefully,so instead of waking her up he gently picks her up and carries her to him bed and lays her down following behind,wrapping his arms around her waist.