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( My first images story sorry if it's bad let me know what you think I take suggestions too ). This song inspired this story. This is part 1 there will be a part 2


 I am in my house just thinking
Yesterday was Sabrina's 21 birthday the first birthday in 3 years that we don't celebrate together. It's been a year since we broke up but still as much as I say I am over her and I have moved on I still haven't. I have dated multiple people in hopes they would make me forget about her and they do for a little bit but then i just miss her again. 

       I was thinking about calling her yesterday just to wish her a happy birthday but I didn't. We are still friends kind of. We talked every now and then but it's still not enough. I honestly don't know if I still love her I now i miss her alot I was thinking about what she would be doing for her birthday I hated to think that she was celebrating without me or getting drunk since it was her 21 birthday . I shouldn't be mad though it was my fault that we broke up.
    I wasn't in a good state of mind I was insecure, jealous and I had no self love.  I was also depressed and it started to show I keep on pushing her away in Hope's she would break up with me but she didn't.


I slammed the door behind me as I walked into the room in our apartment. We got into another fight over how I thought joey king was being to touchy with sab. She said it was nothing and that they were just friends. Which of course I believe but I don't know I just wanted to pick a fight.

      I was sitting in our bed with my back towards the wall looking out the open window. When she walked in. She climbed onto the bed and rested her head on my shoulder
"hey look honey I really don't want to go to bed arguing with you ok" she said as she lightly kissed my shoulder " I'm sorry ok I promise you I'll make some boundaries with Joey. You know I love you"
" you dont have to do that I don't want to get in between your friendship" I said still facing the window
" yes I do i dont want you feeling uncomfortable or wor-"
" we should break up "
" what " she repeated taking her head off my shoulder looking at me
" you shouldn't be with me "
" what is wrong with you yes i do where is this coming from" she said worried
" come on sab our relationship isn't the same I have been distant and more bitchy lately and I know you noticed there is something wrong with me" I said angrily getting up from the bed
"There is nothing wrong with you you are perfect"
"Yes there is I dont feel like myself anymore I am depressed and irritated"
"That doesn't mean there is something wrong with you I didn't know you felt that way. She said getting up from the bed and walking toward me. She grabs my face "If you are feeling this way you should tell me so I could help you ok I am not leaving you I promise". She kissing me softly.

  That was the first time I suggested we breake up and she refused. And I believe her when she said she would never leave me

Flash back
" y/n I need to talk to you "she said as she walked into the kitchen to see me working
"Yeah" I said eyes still on the computer
" we should break up"
"What" I said shockingly look up at her
" we should break up"
"Your right this relationship hasn't been the same it's taking a toll on me"
"It's taking a toll on you" I said getting angry
"No I know I promise I have tired to help you and us but it's not getting any better it's still the same we are almost always arguing and honestly I have just cant anymore" she started tearing up. "I still love you but we have to focus on ourselves individually"
" fine ok" I said finally calmly
"I will always love you " she said
"Yeah Me too" I replied not really convincing
End of flashback

That was a year ago. I don't hate her for breaking up with me if anything she should hate me for putting her through all my personal problems. I finally got better but still we never got together again. I started dating someone else and it was good I actually loved them but our schedules didn't allow us fo be together so we broke up and she well she also dated someone else but broke up quickly.
       As I am in my room thinking about whether to call her to wish her a late happy birthday.
I look at my piano and get an idea....

Sabrina POV
I woke up at 1 am in the middle of the night covered in sweat because I was having a dream about y/n. I am in a white room with no windows or door and as I am walking confused I see y/n she is standing with her back facing me and she looks so beautiful she is wearing a long white loose dress and her beautiful y/h/c color hair in in nice loose waves she looks like an angel. As I am trying to reach for her she just looks back and disappears.

Then I wake up. I stay in bed thinking about how yesterday was my birthday and it was good but it didnt feel the same not without y/n by my side. I keep on hoping she would call me or text me a happy birthday but she never did.

      I regret breaking up with her I really do my life is empty without her. Her smile her laugh her company her everything. My life is nothing without her but she moved on and I never will . I get up to go out side to get some air.

 Y/n POV
I started writing a song about sabrina. However this song I will never upload to the media then everyone will know it's about her. I am a famous actress and singer mostly actress I record songs every now and then but I mainly write songs for other artists. Never sabrina we didn't want to mixed our personal life with our careers. Anyways as I am finishing up this song my friend Aubrey starts face timing me. I picked up
"Hey bitch" she says happily
"Hi how are you"
"Good you know the usual how are you"
"Good too I am finishing up a song "
"Oh what is it about "
"Um well it's about someone" I said hesitantly
"Really who is it. Someone special" she said teasing
"Um no well yeah well no"
"Come on who is it about"
"Um sabrina"
"Ohh" she softly then I noticed she was biting her lip and looking around nervously which she only does when she is nervous
"No I know that face you have something to say what is it" I said demanding
"Well it's just that I actually saw sabrina the other day"
"Yeah at like 1 am"
"What was she doing"
"I don't know she was just sitting in the sidewalk doing nothing like if she was thinking"
"yeah and y/n she looked hurt and heartbroken"
" just because shes hurting doesn't mean I'm not"
"Yeah I know but you guys never talked about it you just broke up and that's it. Don't you want to clear the air"
"Yeah kind of I mean I do feel guilty"
"Because I put her through so much and I never apologize"
"It wasn't your fault you were going through something too"
"Yeah I know"
"Just wait ok and if it the feeling doesn't go away then say sorry ok"
"Ok yeah"
"Ok I have to ok I'll talk to you soon love you bye"
"Love you too bye".
With that I hung up and and started thinking. Then I got a really lyric Idea and I continue writing.


There is going to be a part 2. Hope you enjoy bye

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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