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Let's Get Into the story...

Pragya’s POV:

      “I will not forgive you, abhi”...


     “you are right abhi. Its not your fault you rejected me.  Who am I?  I am just a stranger to you. Our wolves might be already in love with each other. But we are not.  Its not your fault I didn’t show up on your 18th birthday because I was busy hating myself probably because I was born as an omega.  It’s not your fault your human side liked that tanu of yours. It’s all my fault?  After all I was not there for you, she was, sad but it’s the truth.  I am still a bit sad you didn’t wait for me to show up so I will not forgive you for that, yet. Its not in our hands it’s our fate? I guess.  And it’s true we are strangers after all. I still am” pragya said.

     “its not your fault pragya.  I should’ve waited for you.  And I am, I really am sorry. I know our human side doesn’t like each other, but if we tried, even we can like each other.  What if we are strangers, I don’t care if we are strangers, but if it disturbs you, we can always get acquainted and go on friendly dates firsts.  After all, these days everything starts with a friendly date right? So pragya, will you go on a friendly date with me?” abhi asked me. 

Wait did he just asked me, his mate to go out on a ‘friendly’ date with him?  Did he friend-zoned me?
     Silver (Pragya's wolf) snickered as she heard my thoughts. 

No idiot, he just wants to get to know more about you.  And don’t you dare reject him.  If you do, I will make sure to take over you and will only let you take control back after I at least had 5 kids with him, silver threatened me in her own way.  You perverted wolf, I scoffed in my mind link. I swear sometimes my wolf is really scary.  You wouldn’t want to mess with her. 
     “ok, fine” I said to abhi accepting to go on a date with him, because its not his fault author gave him such a character.

(a/n: now that you mentioned it, I am planning to make both of your lives more miserable than it already is. evil laughs)

Third person’s POV:

     Abhi looked like he just won lottery. Because damn, a lot had happened in this short period of time.  And all he wanted to do was snuggle his omega to sleep. 

What?  What are you thinking abhi.  she just said ok to go on a ‘friendly’ date.  Don’t take it too far and mess it all up as well.  He nodded to himself and smiled charmingly at pragya who also offered a cute smile.    

  “ok let’s get back to the pack house.  Its already dinner time and everyone must be worried about our where abouts” abhi said as they both left the place. 

     On their way back home, it was just them, the night sky moon peaking at them through the thick forest trees, the sound of the owls and them just enjoying each other’s presence.  And the two trying look at the other without the other noticing.

     The silence was not awkward its surprisingly comfortable but both wanted to hear the other talking and neither is confident to break the silence first.

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