Another day

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Mey Rin is a very interesting girl, she's so lively. I don't understand why she wont leave this place and go find a husband. She had the looks and personality for one. She looked like she was in her late twenty's. Surprised the butler hasn't been with her yet. They would be perfect. 

It was almost time for dinner and she helped me put on an elegant dress. I always loved dressing up.

Walking down the hallways and the staircase, hearing my heals on the granite floor

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Walking down the hallways and the staircase, hearing my heals on the granite floor. Looking at all the phantomhive family pictures. He used to look like a spoiled brat, but his eyes hid a dark past. He has grown up to be quite handsome.

I arrived at two large wooden doors. I gave them a push and I entered a grand dinning room. It was beautiful, but dark. The creepy large curtains covering the windows didn't help but the chandeliers are majestic. Ciel stood up.

"(Y/N), you look lovely this evening. Please take a seat." With that the charming butler smiled and pulled out the chair and as I sat down he pushed it in with no problem. No butler has never done that to me.

"Right, for dinner we are having prime rib with potatoes and broccoli. If it will be made in time." The last phrase he took out his pocket watch and shook his head.

"I hope the manor has kept you well." Ciel said.

"Very much. It is quite ... elegant."

"Very well,  to get things started. Once we get married and we get a share of your business. We will have to arrange bank appointments and with the lord to get our finances in order..." I did not want to be talking about this. Nor did I think that when getting married we would be talking about how we combine our riches.  He kept talking like this for a little longer.

"My lord, I think you might be boring the lady." The butler said to Ciel.

"No not at all, please continue, I was just wondering the same thing. "

"My apologies, when I get into work mode my mind can't stop. So please let's talk like people shall we and tell me about yourself." Sometimes I can not understand this Phantomhive.

"Well, I like to read. And mostly go for walks." I honestly didn't do much. My parents were always so focused on Jonathan. I really had no hobby's of my own. Not that it botherd me.

"Indeed. Well, I have one of the finest library's to keep you entertained. And I'm sure my gardens will do the same. Now for tomorrow, you shall meet the rest of the house staff and then we will need to go in town."

"No! I mean, pardon me Lord Phantomhive but I'd really rather not go into town. I would just like to stay here if possible." I am not going in to town. I don't like it and bad memories. Like the name calling. Gives me goosebumps.

"Right, that's fine I guess." His face then lit up slightly. "I actually don't need you to come, I have some private business to attend to anyway. Business you wouldn't enjoy hearing."

"Sounds good." I wonder what made him light up like that.

We then finished supper and I picked up my plate. "My lady," the butler was very fast to get to my side."let me take care of that for you." "It's quite alright I'm used to it-" he then suddenly spins me around and swiftly removes the plate from my hands. That's never happened to me before.

"Well, I'll be doing some night work in my study. Good night, lady (Y/N)."

"Good night, lord Phantomhive." He walked out and I thought he study was to the left but he went to the right where the entrance is. I hardly know my own room so I'm probably mistaken.

"Tea, My lady?" How did the butler finish the dishes so quickly?

"Yes please."

" I hope it's to your liking as it comes from your company. Surely a favourite amongst the royals."

"Indeed it is." I let out a huge sigh, I never got along much with the royals because they would always tease me at party's.

"Is something troubling you, miss?" He snapped me out of my day dream.

"No not at all, just admiring the manor. I've never seen one so clean and neatly kept."

"Well, it is my job after all madame."

"If I'm going to be staying here for a while then please call me, Y/N."

"Certainly, and you may call me Sebastian. Sebastian Michaelis." He took a bow as I took a sip of my tea.

"Well, I think I should be off to bed. It's getting late," he gave a charming smile.

"Let me escort you." I accepted as he took my hand. I looked at his gloved hands, and they were as white as snow. With all the work he does you'd think the opposite. I then put my gaze on his eyes. They were a very light shade of brown— no, red. Like roses. I do love roses. He walked me down the hall and we took a left, I knew it. So why did Ciel go right?

"Might I say how ravishing you looked in that dress tonight. You certainly are a beautiful lady." Beautiful? To him? Not a chance.

"That's very kind of you but I'm afraid I must deny your compliment." He stopped.

"And why do you say this?" He just turned his head slightly, but his back was facing me.

"Well, I'm no model. All I am is rich. My parents despise the mere look of me and I've really had one false love. I'm just a pig who has money."

"Your rich, yes. But no pig. You need to find some confidence in yourself, and let the true colours inside you shine.  I won't say much, but looks are not usually all that matters you know." I was not expecting that from him. He turned around and gave my hand a kiss.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Sleep well, Sebastian."

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