Chapter 1-The two nightmares and one voice

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September 4

An alarm clock sounds in the distance, Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!Max sound asleep has a dream.

"You can run but you can't hide!" The man chasing him said. Max thinks, 'don't stop running, don't stop, don't stop'. "I'm getting closer!" the man said. Max thought to himself,

"Omg! Omg! How did I come here?"

"Defend yourself Max you're stronger than you think" a voice in his head said. Max thought to himself again,

"Who was that? Where is he?"

"You should have run faster," the man said. The man then grabs Max's arm and Max screams,

"!" trying to free himself from his grip.

"I'll never let you go!" the man responds. Max then hears another voice, the same voice that talked to him before,

"Grab the pipe below you!". Max looked down and there laid a golden pipe with the initials 'RD' inscribed on it. It layed there in the dark abyss.

"Look at me Max," the man said. Max then looked up and who he saw staring back at him put him in complete shock, it was his deceased father!

Around the same time someplace else:

"Get up" a voice said

"No" jack says

"Get up he's coming" the voice said

"No this is all a dream i'll wake up any s-" Jack was saying when the voice interrupted him. "Get up this is not a dream or a game or whatever you think this is,this is a matter of life or death!"

"Ok fine I'll listen but i still think this is a dream" Jack said,he then gets up and starts running away from we're he was last at. Bang! Just then a gun was fired next to Jack scaring jack.

"I would not move if I were you" the man said who was chasing him before. "What do you want! Leave me alone i...I'm ..not a force to be reckoned with I won't back down!"

"Cute but stupid" he raises he's weapon but when he's about to fire a shadow comes in from nowhere surprising the man. The shadow then says "another loop another time well this be .... the end loop? The end time?" Jack is confused but before he can do anything he wakes up.

Back to Max's nightmare

"No you dead" max said

"Oh no I'm still alive I actually never died" Max's dad said

Max looked back at the pipe "I'll need to grab it" max said in his head "prove it"

"I don't have to tell you anything" Max's dad said

"Ok then tell me this what do you want" max said

" I want you,I need you" Max's dad said

"Not interested," Max said.

Just then max picked up the golden pipe and hit his dad a bright golden light then swallowed the dark place in bright light max then heard these words.

"A boy well raises heir to darkness, but born with light with his friends he well brings light to his time and the future, but in the end the ultimate sacrifice we'll be made in order for time itself to save the world from darkness" and then there was nothing.

Time unknown, location 123#AZKLMz158910S#

In a bright room a boy sits alone sad, confused, insane talking to himself " lies...........betrayal.......time.....time wait is it the 467? Or the 500?....I lost in everyone. I saw them die. I know every outcome so c..c..cold in here.....I...I think I need to lay down. He then lays down on the cold floor and sleeps hunted by all the loops he has seen so many that in a way he has already died.


Hello and welcome I just wanted to say that this is not the finish chapter i will add to it and fix some grammar if i see it pls leave a comment if you see something that doesn't make sense. Anyway i hope you enjoy chapter 1 have a nice day!


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