Welcome To the School

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The ticket in her hands said "Lumina of Altazarra" but she still couldn't quite believe it. After years of waiting for a response to her application she had finally been accepted to the School for Good.

Now she could finally prove that princesses could wear trousers, fight and ride horses. Or in her case, unicorns.

She squealed and ran inside to tell her dads the good news.

"Dad! Dad! Look! A flowerground ticket and a letter from the new schoolmasters!"

"Oh, Lu! I am so proud!" said Matt, hugging his daughter.

"As am I!" agreed Dave, joining the hug.

Lumina suddenly gasped. "You won't have my help on the farm! Will Moony be okay without me?"

"We can manage the farm just fine, Lu. Also, the school has a stables doesn't it? Just take Moony with you." Dave said, comforting her.

"Imagine it! Me arriving at the school on the back of my own unicorn!" her green eyes shone with excitement.

"I will go saddle up Moony." Matt left the room.

"Dad, what if the other girls look down on me? What if they are all princesses and I am the only one who comes from a farm?"

"It's not just a farm. It's a unicorn farm, and the best one in the endless woods. The other girls will be jealous, I promise you. Anyway, you are just as beautiful as any storybook princess."

"Oh, Dad!" Lumina hugged Dave and went upstairs to pack her belongings.

Her dads were very supportive but she still had her doubts about the other girls. She opened her trunk and sat, staring at it, wondering what to pack.


Bailey wasn't packing either, but for a completely different reason. His stewardess was hurrying around his vast, princely room, armed with two maids, as she sorted through his belongings for him.

He was worried about how the other everboys would treat him. Would they only like him because he was in line for the Camelot throne after his father, Chaddick? Would they believe he was only doing well because his mother was the Dean of Good? Bailey got up and went to find the two people he always went to when he had troubles.

They were in their room as usual, resting in their chairs.

"Grandpa Tedros? Grandma Agatha? Can we talk?"

"Of course, my boy." Tedros said and beckoned him to sit on his lap, just as Bailey had always done when he was younger.

"What's wrong, Bailey? Are you worried about school?" Agatha asked softly.

"What if I am not as good as everyone expects me to be?" he sighed and put his blonde head on his grandpa's shoulder.

"We have watched you grow up to be an amazing young man. You've got this." Tedros said and Agatha nodded. "Also, you inherited my good looks and natural charm so you will have absolutely no problem with the ladies."

Agatha snorted. "You haven't inherited his 'charm', thank goodness for that. Bailey, your grandfather is an arrogant man."

"Didn't stop you from marrying me!" Tedros looked annoyed. Agatha cackled.

"I'm going to miss being around you guys." Bailey said sadly as he stood up.

"We will miss you too but it will be good for you to make some friends your age." Agatha said, hugging him goodbye.

Bailey ran down the stairs and into the kitchen before his stewardess could find him.

"I will have pasta with extra cheese, please. To go." He said cheekily.

The cooks glared at him as he left with his cheesy pasta.

"Bailey! Bailey! The carriage is waiting, it's time to go!" came the shrill voice of his stewardess. He downed the dish in one go and galloped down the stairs, two at a time.

His father was waiting to say goodbye by the carriage. Their matching blue eyes locked in a gaze.

"Good luck, son. I love you."

"Love you too, Dad."

Bailey got into the carriage, keeping his eye on the castle until it faded from view, shrinking into nothingness behind him.


Gray sat alone.

His father had already left a day ago as he was a teacher at the school that Gray would be going to. His father was never much around anyway as he was always on some sort of business trip or just 'away'.

This meant that Gray had grown up alongside his grandparents, who happened to be famous fairytale heroes. It was ironic that they were considered heroes as they were actually evil.

Gray was evil too. He knew this because of the dark, lonely ache that settled in his soul, born from a loveless relationship between his parents.

Though the mansion he lived in was huge, he had little belongings to call his own. Most of the house was dominated by his Grandmother's extravagant possessions.

Because of this fact, Gray had decided not to bring anything with him to the school.

He looked out of the window and spotted a large, bony bird-like creature waiting outside the door. Excitedly he raced to the front of the house.

"Were you going without saying goodbye?" said his Grandmother as she suddenly appeared behind him.

"Of course not, Grandmother." he scoffed, looking at his feet. The old woman had an effect like that on people.

"I have told you a million trillion times. Just call me Sophie. When you call me grandmother it makes me feel old, darling."

Gray rolled his eyes. "Where's Grandfather?"

"Napping." Sophie paused and then yelled, "HORT! WAKE UP!"

"No, no don't wake him. I am leaving now. Goodbye Grandmother." Gray dashed out the door, leaping onto the bony creature's back in one swift movement.

"Hort and I are coming by later! Be yourself, Gray, it's all that matters!" Sophie yelled after him as the stymph rose into the air.

This was it. He was finally going to the School for Evil.

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