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"Harry, we need to talk."

I looked around the kitchen table at my four best mates, half of me scared for what they wanted to talk about and the other half not giving a shit. I watched the boys exchange awkward glances at one another before their eyes settled on Liam. Nervous, he cleared his throat, uncrossed his arms, and looked at me with soft eyes before saying,

"We think you 'ought to take these two months off and go home."

I felt my lips curl down into a frown. "But I thought we were all gon' stay here, and work on the next album?"

"Harry," Zayn's voice was calm, "you haven't been yourself lately. We've all agreed to postpone working on the album to give you some time off."

"I don't need any time off." I crossed my arms. Slouched back into my chair, I gave the four of them the most pompous look I could muster. I was right, they were wrong.

"We're all really worried about you. It's like you're a completely different person nowadays." Louis went on, "And it's not like we haven't tried anything before. We tried talkin' to 'ya, but all you did was yell at us and slam your door in our faces. We tried giving you space, but then you just got worse. There's something wrong with you, Haz."

"There's nothing wrong with me." I scoffed.

Niall's face turned cold as he retorted, "You called a fan a bitch yesterday."

"She was being annoying! Can I not go buy some bloody ciggs' in peace?!"

"There's never a reason to call a fan a bitch, Harry. She didn't mean any harm." Zayn said,

his expression angry but his voice soft. "Do you even hear yourself? You called a fan a [i]bitch[/i] because she interupted you while you were buying [/i]cigarettes[/i]?"

"We think you need to take a visit home. Ya know, clear your mind from everythin', spend some family time, get your head back on straight." Liam murmered.

"I don't need to go home. I'm fine..." I trailed off, letting my eyes wander to anything but their four faces. [i]A trip home[/i], yeah, like that'll do some good. Even mum's homeade chocolate chip cookies couldn't help me now.

Rubbing his hands through his dyed blonde hair, Niall let out a long sigh. "We already spoke to Simon about it, Haz. He insists you go."

I grunted. [i]What Simon says, goes.[/i]

"When do I leave?"

Liam smiled sheepishly, "Tomorrow morning."

"You guys don't waste anytime." My voice was sour, "Fine, I'll go along with your guys' little idea, but I can gurantee it won't do shit." And with that, I slammed my fists on the table as a form of excusing myself, earning a wince from the boys. I jumped up from the kitchen chair and headed straight for my room. Slamming the door behind me, I locked the door.

Reaching into my closet, I grabbed the first plain suitcase I saw and opened it to see it was still half packed from the tour we'd just returned from a weeks ago. [i]Guess I forgot to unpack the rest of it.[/i] With a shrug, I opened a drawer and grabbed items hastily, shoving them into the suitcase. I pulled open my bottom drawer and looked down at my alcohol stash.

[i]Lord knows I better bring my own. Mum would get suspicious if her whole stock was gone in a week.[/i]

Tossing my sloppily packed suitcase to the side, I drug my feet across the warm carpet to the open window. I pulled a carton of cigarettes out of my pocket. Opening it up, I saw one lone cigarette. [i]I'll have to buy more tomorrow.[/i] I placed the cigarette between my lips and threw the empty pack down by my feet. Lighting it up, I took a big puff.

[i]When did it get this bad?[/i]

The Harry Styles I was now was a completely different person than who Harry Styles' was two months ago. Every thing about me had changed. I didn't joke around anymore, I never wanted to sing, [i]I smoke.[/i] I could see why the boys were worried about me. [i]But it was none of their damn business to be shipping me off to Cheshire.[/i]

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