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Just stupid!

Ugh! Now I'm very pissed. If I wish I could throw him into the pool like he did to my phone but I think I still won't be satisfy

" Yah Doyoung. Are you even in there?" I knocked on the door for how many times now

" Kim Doyoun-"

" What now, loud face" the door opened

" Let me in first" I said as I went inside

" Jeez... I didn't give you the permission first" 


" Hmm.. is the phone is still in the pool?" He asked

" Yeah, it's still swimming in there" I said as I stared outside the window

" And what? Are you going to buy a new one?"

" Of course. What if someone tried to call me at this time. Bomin called me earlier" I said

" You could borrow my phone for a while to call that baby" he said

" Can't we buy it tonight?" I said as I turned to him who's laying on the bed

" Well, do you have money?" He asked and I scoffed

" You think I'm poor?"

" Right. Your father is a CEO" he said

" But, again. We don't know this place and we might get lost later" he continued

" You're just too lazy to go out" I glared at him

" Oh my.. I'm so sleepy. Good night Min. My phone's on the table there" he said then covered himself with the blanket

I pouted and stomped out of his room. I sighed after I closed his door

Can't this day just got any worse?

- next day-

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