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I do not own the following:
Music video
Anime/Manga and the Anime/Manga Characters
I do own:
OC and OC's family
Speaking in mind: like this
Flashbacks: like this
Speaking in General: "like this"
Author speaking or joking: ~like this~




Konoe Uchiha is seen sleeping after finishing reading her favorite book "Superhuman" when she was awoken by intense heat coming from her house.

*gasp* "W-what's going on? Why is the house on fire?"

Sadly that wasn't the only thing burning.

The other homes within the village were slowly being burnt while there were agonizing screams sounding throughout the area. The source of this threat was unknown...for know.

"Konoe! Where are you?!"

"I'm trapped in here! Please help me!"

"Don't worry I'll get you out! I'm gonna need you to stay low for me alright?!"

Konoe did as she was told and stayed low to the ground. Ayame took out her Meikō and started slashing at the wood that was blocking her from leaving the room.


She swung left and right breaking the wood using one of her sword skills "Snake Bite".

"C'mon Konoe. We gotta get out of here!"

"But what about our parents and Kai and Emi?!"

"Don't worry they're safe. They're trying to help evacuate as many people as they can. That also means we have to go to."

Start playing the theme music

That was all true until they reached the outside, where they were met with a gruesome sight.

They skid to a halt and widened their eyes at the sight of blood and dead bodies everywhere with no living person to be seen.

"W....What the hell...."

"A-Amaya...t-the people are..."


They turned around just in time to see someone land in front of them covered from head to toe in a black cloak with a katana unsheathed.

They turned around just in time to see someone land in front of them covered from head to toe in a black cloak with a katana unsheathed

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"Who are you?!"

The cloaked figure did not respond, which only angered Ayame more.

Their Destiny(Tower of God) Bam x OC[Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now