Chapter 5. Part 3

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Yay hi everyone I'm finally back with this book. I think I have some good ideas for you all now. So before we start I just want to clear everything up. So to start this timeline or AU is an Au that in which America has a power unlike any other ( or unlike any other that people know of ). Yep you heard me right there might be some more people who have this power not just America. When America and Canada were younger their mother died because the British soldiers came to kill her without Britain's word of approval. Yes when they went back home they were killed. They lived somewhere in the state of Oklahoma, but it wasn't Oklahoma yet. By the age of nine America's eye turn black indicating that the power has started to control or take control of him. In school he must hide his eyes so that no one knows. Not even E.U. U.N. or ASEAN know about it . But they are the only ones who have heard about it. Also in this AU people age faster than humans say if they were in like middle school which they are. They should be around the age of 10- 14 that would be at least 20-26 for human years. I hope that makes any sense. Welp I tried my best on clearing this up hope this is the last chapter of the backstory for America.

  America's pov.         ( this equals Canada This equals America  this equals anyone)

   It's almost below freezing temperatures outside and I don't think we have much time left. The nice man has been helping us so much I don't know how I'll ever repay him. But that's besides the point, mom said the powers come when I'm nine and it's almost my ninth birthday. " Hey kids we found a way over the river"   wait what did he just say. He found a way. Me and Canada rush to the man and see a super THICCCC ( had to :>) peice of ice. It was strong enough for us to walk on. He packs us both a huge bag of food and tools and gives me a map. Lastly he drags me away to this small shop with a bunch of potion looking things also some pills. " listen I know about your problem take this pill on your birthday and drink this potion the next day." He hands me this pill in a bag and a potion. I place them in my bag and go back to where my brother should to see that I couldn't find.

   I look around frantically for my little brother when I hear a distant scream. Me and the elder man run towards the scream to see my brother being shoved into a carriage. " hey leave my brother alone " I scream at the people and they rush to but him in there but then I see someone grab my brother and fly away. " BROTHER!!!!!" I scream as he was being carried away from me. I fall to my knees crying. I lost him. No I can't think like that, I have to keep going. For him. I start to get up wiping my tears away from my now puffy eyes. I look at the man " let's get going " I say in a determined voice. He smiles and leads the way, after about 5 or 6 minutes we are across. I jump up in the air happy as can be. I turn to the elderly man " ok what's next " he looks at me kinda sad " kid I can no longer go with you. I must stay here where my family and friends are. You must keep going by yourself. Remember what I said, remember what your mother said. Keep going and make it over the mountains. You got this kid. " he smiles and starts to walk away. I follow the map and start my journey.

  ( Time skip brought to you by my stupid self for my updating this for over two months now)

     It's been 14 days and I've finally made my way to the mountains. They are as big as my mother said they were. And they are as scary as the elderly man said they were. I pluck up the courage and start my climb. Along the climb I encountered a bunch of different plants, animals, and things. It really was a sight to see up on top. I felt like I could see the whole world.

( another time skip because I really have no more ideas for this )

  I've finally made it to Delaware. I find my father and tell him what happened to mother and brother. He gets mad about what happened to mother, so mad that he killed the guards that did it. I didn't know that father was the one who took Canada, so at least that is out the way. He then takes me to the castle where I live and learn about my powers for 3 years. Then I rebel. I became my own country, with my own rules and own futures, for all my states.

   " oh America, not all futures are good, you won't have any chance to escape me. I will make your life a living hell. I mean you did take my two children from me, this is my revenge. "


Yay I did it, i hope you like it. That is the end of the past of America's. Can anyone guess who the person who is talking. I want to see your answers. Love you all bye~~ from writer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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