The Ex's encounter

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Shouto deadpans as his eyes go dull. He stays silent and his body moves on it's own. He pulls the female back towards him, pushing the other person away as he pulls Y/n behind his figure, "I don't know who you are, but as you can see, we're busy. So back off." He talks with a slight growl in his voice. But as his vision was no longer blurred, he could see who it was, clearly. 

"Aw what a shame..." Shinsou replied. Shouto glares at the male, "I would've expected you to be so clingy to people... especially when you also said you weren't here to make friends. Guess that was a lie too." Y/n stood behind Shouto, arms wrapped around the boy's perfect body, her vision became blurry as tears spilled silently from her eyes. He could feel that something was wrong, that this wasn't the Shinsou he knew, no... it wasn't even Shinsou at all. He pulls the purple haired male's collar and stares him dead in the eyes with a deadly glare. "Who the fuck are you.." he cusses to the male, pulling him closer so he could get a full view of his face. It looked like Shinsou, but wasn't the same. "Tell me ass wipe, who the hell are you?! You're not Shinsou Hitoshi.." Shinsou smirks at Shouto, a smirk that the two hair colored boy never saw before, then he speaks, " Relax it's me... I just said hello to Y/n-chan~" he says in a flirtatious way, glancing at the girl as his smirk widened. "Right? Y/n...?" Shouto growls and fury filled his eyes as he hides the female with his body, "Don't talk to her, don't look at her, don't even breath the same air as her." He was both angry and sad that one of his friends had changed. Shinsou closes his eyes, still smirking. "You're telling me that I can't have a friendly conversation with my ex-girlfriend~?" At these words the girl's grip around Shouto's body become wvwn tighter while she starts sobbing in the boy's shirt, making it damp. 

"Open your mouth about that one more time and I'll make you into a roasted plum ramen.." he grabs the girl and walks out of the restaurant quickly, having already payed for the food. Y/n grabs Shouto's left arm and hugged it. "T-T-Thanks Shouto..." Then she gave him a small peck on the cheek, turning immediately away. His face heats up and he puts her down once they're far enough away from the restaurant, then pulls her back towards him, protectively holding her. "No thanks necessary." She blushes, her gaze focused once more on the boy. "But it is necessary..." "No, because I'd do anything for you at will.." he looks at the boy, moving closer towards him. "S-Shouto-" He cups her cheek, "I.. want you to be my g-girlfriend.. Y/n.. I'd do everything and anything to protect and keep you happy." He moves closer as well. She can feel his breath on her lips as Shouto starts to lean in and then...

"LOOK IT'S HIM!" "AND SHE'S WITH A GIRL!" "A GIRL?! NO WAY" "BITCH HE'S MINE" a lot of people started surrounding them, ruining their private moment. "Ah shit-" he cusses under his breath then grabs Y/n's hand and picks her up, starting to run away from them. "HE'S GETTING AWAY!" They start chasing him and he uses his ice as a shield and then uses his fire to melt it and make mist so they get trapped in it, he then keeps running until they end up at a park with lots of trees and bushes. He puts her down, but still holding her close, close enough to where she can hear him panting and his heart beating quickly. "I.. I think we lost them.." "Y-Yeah I-I think that too..." She says looking around and then at Shouto. Seeing him take action like that just so they can have some privacy really made her happy, but flustered as well. He looks at her and smiles softly with his eyes closed. The female blushes once again..."S-Shouto... k-keep your eyes c-closed..." "Okay.." he nods at her request and keeps them closed, his smile slightly turns to just his normal face, his lips slightly parted though. 'Wait-Why did I say that?! Do I want to kiss him?! I-I don't know!' A few minutes pass and nothing happens, which made Shouto a little suspicious, so he opened his eyes slightly. 'UGH! Why Can't I just kiss him?! I don't have enough courage to do that!' she thinks, slightly biting her lip, her being the one to close her eyes this time. He opens his eyes and then leans into her lips, locking both of theirs together, his fingers grab her chin. The H/c female's eyes went wide from the boy's action but she soon kissed him back, putting her arms around his neck. 

He puts his hands on her hips, but tries not to move too fast, since this was both of their first kisses. He wanted to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable at all, so he held himself back for her sake. 

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