The Friend Who Gave Me Butterflies

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Niall has changed so much since we were five. As the years have gone by we've become a lot closer. He's always there for me when I need him. Here lately though, I always get butterflies in my tummy whenever we're together. I think it's because my feelings have become more than just friendly feelings. Of course I don't know if I should tell him not. Would it ruin our friendship?

I went to the airport to meet the boys when they got back from their tour. I couldn't wait to see them, especially Niall. Just thinking about him gave me butterflies. I saw them coming and when I saw Niall, it felt like my heart had skipped a beat. "Niall," I screamed as I went racing towards him and gave him a big hug. "Hey, how have you been," he asked looking me in the eyes. There were those stupid butterflies again. Why can't they just go away? "I've been fine, just missed you a lot," I answer. "I've missed you too," he said. We walked out of the airport leaving the rest of the boys in the dust. "Hey guys do you mind waiting for us," Louis called out as he came running up. The rest of the boys followed suit and caught up with us. I chuckled and said, "Oh sorry guys, I forgot you were back there." Niall smiled at me and chuckled too. Zayn looked at us with serious eyes. Almost as if he were studying us. "Zayn what are you doing," I questioned. He looked to the floor, embarrassed that I'd caught him and said, "Nothing." We continued walking and laughing about anything and everything.

We finally left the airport and headed to Harry's flat. We got there thirty minutes later. "Mallory would you mind staying for a bit and helping me unpack," Harry asked cautiously. Harry has had a crush on me for as long as I've known him. I smiled sweetly and replied, "Sure." I looked at Niall. Is that jealousy on his face? "After I'm done here, I'll come over to your place and fix some dinner, okay," I said with a sweet smile. A smile spread across Niall's face as Liam pulled him into the car. I waved goodbye to them and then went inside.

"Mallory, do you like Niall," Harry asked me, truly curious. "No, what would make you think that," I blushed and looked away. Harry smiled with pride and said triumphantly, "Don't lie to me. I see the way you are when you are around him, you can't stop smiling." "Okay fine I like Niall. You caught me, but Harry I swear if you tell him I'll kill you," I replied. "I won't tell, I promise," he promised. He smiled at me and I knew that I could trust him. We finished unpacking and I said goodbye and caught a cab to Niall's.

I rang the doorbell a couple of times. I was about to leave when Niall opened the door... shirtless. Butterflies in my tummy again. "I hope you don't mind I was just relaxing," he said. "It's fine," I replied. He smiled and let me in. I went straight to the kitchen and started raiding the refrigerator and pantry for something to fix. "So, what are we going to have," he asked pulling on his shirt and settling into a chair. "Spaghetti," I said pulling a box of pasta from the pantry. He nodded. I had cooked dinner at Niall's house many times before so I knew exactly where everything was. I felt his gaze follow me everywhere I went. Butterflies were back. I sat up on the counter as the pasta cooked. I looked at him nervously and asked, "So, how was the tour?" He shrugged his shoulders and said, "It was fine, I guess. I just really missed my best friend." 'Great he only thinks of me as a friend,' I sarcastically thought. When the spaghetti was done I fixed both our plates and set them down on the table. Niall dug into his plate right away, like always, and I took my time, too disappointed to eat. Halfway through the meal I said, "Niall, I know someone that likes you." He looked at me confused with a mouth full of food. "Who," he asked when he finished that bite. He sat there waiting. I was contemplating whether I should tell him or not. I finally made a decision. "It's Jessie," I said. He looked disappointed as he said, "Oh." We finished the meal and Niall offered to drive me home. I turned him down because I needed some fresh air to think, and besides I don't live that far away.

I finally got home and noticed my apartment door was slightly open. I walked in cautiously. "Hello," I nervously called out and flipped on the lights. I jumped when I saw Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry sitting on my couch. 'I forgot I gave Louis a key,' I thought. Liam and Zayn looked at me and smiled cheekily. "How long have you guys been here," I asked. "About half an hour," Louis said as he got up and put his arm around my shoulders. He led me to the chair beside him and made me sit down. "So, Mallory is there anything you want to tell us," Louis asked. He had a certain tone that made me think he already knew. "Harry you promised," I angrily said looking at him. He smirked and said, "Correction. I promised I wouldn't tell Niall, you never said I wasn't allowed to tell them." I sighed in frustration. Liam smiled at me and said, "Just tell Niall how you feel." "It's not that simple Liam, he called me his best friend and nothing more," I said. Zayn chuckled and said, "Mallory, he can never stop talking about you." "Really," I asked. "Yes," they all said in unison. "Well I want to hear it from him before I'll believe it," I said assertively. They all looked at me in frustration. "You're so stubborn, you never believe anything we tell you," Harry said as he walked over and knelt in front of me. He looked me in the eyes and asked, "Why would we lie to someone we really care about?" I shrugged. "Exactly," he said. He got up and walked away as I sighed in defeat. We talked for about an hour more and when they realized it was getting late, they said goodbye and left. After they left, I went to bed thinking about Niall.

The next morning I woke up completely confused by what had happened last night. Today I was going to find out if Niall really did like me. I got up and put on my favorite floral print sundress. Afterwards, I called Niall and asked if he wanted to go for a walk in the park. After I hung up I got my sandals on and headed out to meet Niall. "Wow, you look great," Niall said stunned. I blushed and looked to the ground. "So, Niall I have something to--," he cut me off with a kiss. When he pulled back, he looked me in the eyes and said, "I've wanted to do that for so long but I didn't know if you felt the same way or not. I was too nervous to say anything last night. I saw you moving around the kitchen like it was your home, like you were meant to be there. So, when you called and asked me to meet you here, I knew it was time to tell you how I felt." I stared at him, too shocked to say anything. "Well please say something," he said anxiously. "Niall, I've felt the same way about you for the longest time. I just never knew if you thought of me like that too. Niall, I love you," I replied. He smiled and said, "I love you too Mallory, please be mine?" I nodded eagerly and pulled him in for a hug. We walked around the park holding hands and talking about how happy we were to finally be together when Harry and Lou fell out of a tree. "Were you two spying on us," I demanded. Lou smirked and sarcastically said, "Now why would we do that?" Harry, still sitting on the ground, looked up at me and smiled. "We told you," he said proudly. "What do you you mean 'we told you' Harry," Niall asked confused. "Babe, they told me you felt the same way but I just didn't believe them. Turns out they were right all along," I answered. Louis looked at Harry and said," Come on Haz, lets let the two lovebirds alone." Louis helped Harry up and then they walked in the opposite direction leaving Niall and I standing there.

On our way back to his house we spotted Jessie. Jessie was my ex best friend who was always flirting with the boys, especially Niall. She saw us and eagerly approached us, clearly paying no attention that my hand was intertwined with Niall's. "So Niall, you want to hang out later and help me rehearse for my gig tomorrow night," she said slightly touching his hand. This angered me. Niall apologetically answered, "Sorry already have plans." Shocked, Jessie asked, "With who?" Niall put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to his side to answer her question. I smiled triumphantly. "Fine but I thought we had something special," she said trying to act sweet. Niall shook his head and said,"Jessie we never had anything, we're not even friends. So now, if you really do care about me you'll see I'm happy with Mallory and you'll respect that. If not just walk away and never speak to me again." Jessie stomped away probably to go cry her eyes out. If there was one thing she despised more than me, it was being rejected.

We got back to Niall's place and I said, "I'm going to go find something to fix for lunch." Niall stopped me and whispered in my ear, "You are going to relax and let me do the cooking today." I nodded in agreement and he placed a soft kiss on my nose. Over lunch we got to talking about how great it would be to live together. "Mallory, I know this soon but would you like to move in with me," Niall asked curiously. "Of course I would," I answered. He smiled as he got up and took the plates to the sink. He then came over to my seat and pulled it out. I got up, turned around, and quickly placed a kiss on his lips. He leaned in and whispered, "Your kisses are the best." I blushed and said, "I love you sooo much." He smiled and said, "I love you too."

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