The war has ended and Hogwarts is rebuilt.Everything has changed.But does that mean the solemn enemy's has changed as well? Hermione Granger is wondering. Back at school, Draco Malfoy has changed. His eyes are not so cold.Instead, they look like the...
I looked around. It was basically a castle... on the school grounds!!!
"Now, I'll leave you two alone," Mrs. Malfoy said and she swiftly went out of this magical place.
It was 11:59 pm. The loud music and the chatter of crowds dies down into a crisp whisper. All you can hear was the wind blowing and load,long moans. I looked around and Draco was nowhere to be seen. I heard the shower turn on and I was sure Draco was taking a shower. I decided to read a nice story. I walked over to the library and ran my hands against all the selections of books. I stopped and saw the book, Rapunzel~ I picked it up and sat on the white couch added with white soft pillows and a white fur blanket. I settled myself down and open the book. Before I read the first page, I heard a load crash and everything went black.
I was in a bondage and on a bed. I heard a shrill, frosty-cold voice.
" So, your awake, Granger," I looked up and saw Bellatrix Lestrange. She waved her wand and I was back into my clothes.
"CRUCIO!!" She yelled and I was in her cold arms and she grabbed one part of my ass. I wanted to break free, but some sort of force was making me do her bindings. She tore of my panties and slapped me real hard. Then she pulled of my white shirt and sucked on it until it was red. She then dug her long fingers into my asshole and started thrusting it inside and out. I could not help but moan. I started to feel myself breaking. I then was out of her cold arms and I was out from this mysterious place.
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( Draco, in the bathroom.)
I sensed my aunts presents and... Hermione presents??? I ran out the bathroom, still naked and touched my dark mark.
" Bring me to my aunt," I said in my head and there was an eerie dark glow.
Hey Guys!!
Sorry for not uploading for awhile...
I've been working on my second project called "At Your Service Daddy," and it already has 7 chapters... I know, that's a lot.
Anywaaaaaaaaays, check it out, vote, like, and follow!!!