Chapter 1:

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Harry didn't want to be here.

He didn't want to be in a suit.

He didn't want to be next to his so called "girlfriend" who he has and never will like.

He wished his best friend or he thinks.. best friend Liam was here, but for some reason he was not. Liam told Harry he was going to introduce Harry to someone important today but Liam was a no show, he knows Liam is a no show because Liam's parents were here.

The only thing that was keeping Harry entertained were the idiots by the punch bowl trying to put vodka in it.

One obviously had bleached blonde hair and the other was just down right cute.

Harry wanted to help them.

He wanted to leave.

But he wasn't going to leave without having a little fun. He had a smirk on his face as he excused himself from the party to walk over to the two idiots. He stopped infront of the one with brunette hair beforehe gasped loudly earning both boys attention.

Both of them look terrified.

"Y-you g-guys, do know that you were going to get caught right."Harry said first acting like a frightened 16 year old shocking both of them.

"Well we haven't."Said the blonde one, Harry picked up his stronge irish accent.

"actually you have, by me blondie."Harry said with a smirk.

That comment made Louis internally groan and roll his eyes.

"Well why don't you enlighten us Curly and help or are you too far up your daddy's ass to help."Louis snapped back at Harry.

"Yeah well first off the names Harry tiny and i'm only helping because I want to leave, i've been doing this for three years, and that the only thing in up my fathers ass is his head."Harry said smirking back and Louis.

"Ok then first off blondie dump it all in."Harry said not waiting for an answer.

"it's Niall, Nice to meet ya."Niall said pouring the vodka into the bowl while smiling at Louis and Harry.

Niall was already planning them to get together.

"Ok great, now all you gotta do is stir the punch and add a little on the top to mask the smell, it's your lucky day lads, you're at the party with all the stupid rich people, too far up their and other peoples asses to realize their drinking alchohol."Harry said stirring the punch and pouring more punch on the top.

"Oh really Curly enlighten me, who are we sharing our night with."Louis said facing the crowd with Niall on his left and Harry on his right.

"well Tiny over their are the Sheerans,their son is nice, a little too nice, but always has your back and is really good at singing.."Harry said pointing to a pale kid with red hair next to his parents.

"Over there are the Campbells, their daughter is a true whore, will try to get into your pants any second she gets...Over their are the Paynes they are nice their son Liam is my be-"Harry was saying before getting cut off.

"Wait Liam payne is rich?! No wonder he got us into this party."Louis said shocked.

"Wait you know Liam?"Harry said even more shocked, never in a million years would he think Liam would have other friends, he and Liam barely talk yet when they do you would think he would mention his other friends or introduce them.

"Yeah he's dating our friend Zayn."Niall said with a shrug.

"Liam has a boyfriend?!"Harry has never heard of Liam dating someone.

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