Chapter 1: A song for the birds

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What day am I on? I doesn't matter any more. I hear Xemnas calling for everyone. I guess it's that day. The day were he tests the entire Organization on if they are developing emotions. I walk away from my window and head downstairs. I run into my two best friends Axel and Xion. They seem to be the only friendly people here, well besides Demyx.
"Hey Roxas! Are you ready for the test?" Xion asked me
"I don't know" I answered nervously.
So if you don't know I am the only nobody in the Organization who developed emotions. No one knows except Xion and Axel. So if Xemnas finds out he would kill me for sure.
"Roxas listen, you will be fine, just try acting and you will be ok." Axel encouraged
"Ok I'll try" I said but I doubted it would work. We head down together and got in the line up going in number order.
"All right for your test today, you will be lip syncing to this song, if you show a smile you are out." (A/n: it's the same challenge on TikTok to Discord by the Living Tombstone) I took a deep breath. Thankfully I knew all the lyrics so hopefully it will be easy. The song begins and one by one I see other members going to the front. We get almost to the end, the only ones that are left are me, Lexaus, and Saïx. And with that Lexaus lost and the song ended with me and Saïx as the winners. Everyone else comes back up and I could have sworn Saïx gave me a dirty look.
"Congratulations Number Seven and Number Thirteen for passing, as for the rest of you I am severely disappointed in all of you. That is all, dismissed."
I let out a sigh of relief. Axel and Xion come up to congratulate me, but why does this feel so weird. I brush it off and head with my friends to go get ice cream to celebrate. That is when Saïx stopped us.
Sorry for being short and a cliff hanger. But I had to do what I had to do lol. Also sorry if it doesn't make 100% sense I tried my best. Anyway stay awesome and bye!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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