Chapter 2

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After everyone met their buddies, the students were allowed to proceed with their day as normal. Remy normally would just hang out with Daniella. But as she turned around to go call out her friends name, Daniella walked out of the room with her British buddy.

Remy sighed and turned back around to grab her stuff when she realized Harry was standing right in front of her holding her book bag for her. She took it out of his hand and mumbled "Thank you."

Harry smirked in return and said "Since it looks like your friend left you, you could always hang out with me."

Remy looked at him slightly annoyed, "She didn't leave me."

"If she didn't than why are you here alone and she's off with her buddy?"

Remy stood there in silence. She didn't really have anything to say.

"Do you have anymore classes today?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah, I have a class at 6."

"Skip it," Harry said slyly.

"And why would I do that?" Remy asked. She was always the good girl. She went to class, did her assignments on time, got straight A's, and never skipped. Even when she was sick she didn't skip. She thought class was too important and she didn't want to fall behind.

Harry smirked, "Because then I could hang out with a cute girl like you."

Remy blushed a little, trying to hide her cheeks. She had always wanted to stop being such a good girl and live on the edge a little. She may be a good girl but she really liked bad boys, they seemed to corrupt her but she always went back to being a good girl. She decided it was finally time to stop being so good, "Let's go then."

Harry smirked and walked out of the room, with Remy following behind him.

"Where are we even going?" Remy asked.

"Your apartment." Harry looked at her and saw her eyes go wide, he chuckled to himself.


Remy walked inside her apartment and hung up her keys and put her bookbag on the floor by the entrance of her apartment. Harry walked inside and looked around. Remy had a beautiful apartment. She had a beautiful view of mountains and valleys. The inside of her place looked anything but cheap. Harry assumed that her family had money and Harry could tell Remy didn't like to flaunt it though. She dressed pretty normal, not in expensive clothing or with expensive handbags. Remy seemed normal, not like a bratty rich girl.

Harry had been thinking so much, he didn't realize Remy walked out of the room until she walked back into the room with a water for him and herself. Harry smiled, "Thanks."

Remy nodded and walked into the living room and sat on the 3 seater couch. Harry watched her and sat on the other side of the same couch. She looked over at him and asked "So what do you want to do?"

Harry licked his lips and looked at phone to check the time. It read 4 PM. "Do you have any liquor here?"

Remy furrowed her brows and stuttered, "Uh yeah, why?"

He chuckled "Well it's a Friday so why not have a little fun?"

She laughed as she left the room. She returned shortly with a bottle of Captain Morgan and two glasses. She set them on the table in front of the couch, "I figured you were a rum type of guy."

Harry chuckled, "You're correct." He took the bottle and poured them both a drink. He picked his drink up and swallowed it all at once, Remy did the same. "So would you like to play 20 questions? But after every question we take a drink."

She nodded, "You ask first then."

"Why are you are a buddy?" He questioned.

She explained, "Well I've always wanted to go to school in England and this was the closest thing my parents would go for. I'm trying to convince them to let me study abroad." She took another drink. "So why are you a buddy? Why'd you want to come here?"

Harry ran his hand through his hair, "Well I've always wanted to visit here for something other than business." He took a drink.

Remy furrowed her brows, "Business?"

"I'm pretty sure it's my question," he chuckled.

After about 9 questions Remy started feeling the effects of the alcohol. Harry took 3 more drinks before Remy looked at Harry and started laughing out of nowhere. He knew she was drunk and he was a drunk himself, just not as drunk as her though. She stopped laughing and looked at him seriously, "So what did you mean by business earlier?"

Harry tried to dodge the question, "Let's turn on the tv."

Remy grabbed the tv remote from his hand and stuck her tongue out, "Not until you tell me what you meant."

Harry laughed a little then sighed. He knew he wasn't supposed to tell anyone, they were both pretty drunk and what are the odds she'd remember this conversation? He looked at her, "I would just come here with my band."

She scooted closer to him and whispered, "A band? You were in a band?"

He laughed, "Yeah, why do I look familiar to you?"

She lied, "Not at all." Harry's face fell a little bit, she probably didn't like his music. "So what band are you in?" She took a drink.

"One direction," Harry answered.

Remy chocked slightly on her rum. Why didn't she realize that he was THE Harry Styles. She knew he looked familiar, she would've never realized that he was the Harry Styles. Granted she wasn't a 'directioner' but she knew some of their songs. Hadn't they broken up a few years ago? It would make sense as to why he had the time to go back to school. When she looked over, Harry was smirking yet again. "So you're the Harry Styles?" Her eyes looked him up and down.

Harry nodded, "I am."

Remy bit her lip, she decided to be a bit daring, "So I've always been curious about your tattoos, would you mind showing me them?"

Harry smirked and raised and eyebrow. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. She gasped, because she certainly didn't expect him to do that. She brought her hand up to his chest and started tracing his tattoos. She didn't notice she was so close to him until she felt his breath on her face, she looked away from her hand and into his gaze. He had the most beautiful emerald eyes she had ever seen. Their faces were half an inch away from each other. Harry licked his lips, he looked at her lips and then back up to her eyes, "Do you mind if I kiss you?"

Remy's breath hitched in her throat and she nodded her head yes. She moved in a bit and looked at his lips. Harry closed the gap between their lips and put his hand on the side of her neck. They pulled apart and leaned their foreheads together. She opened her eyes to see his green eyes were darker than earlier. She closed her eyes and put her lips back on his. Their mouths moved perfect in sync. It felt like heaven for both of them. There was a bit of a spark there that neither of them could deny. She pulled away and laid her head on his shoulder.

Harry grabbed the tv remote and put it on, he didn't care what was on. He put his arm around her and drew circles on her arm.

After a few minutes he looked over at her and saw she fast asleep. Harry slowly picked her up bridal style and carried her to her bedroom. He pulled the blankets back and softly put her underneath them. He pulled the blankets back up. He kissed her forehead and whispered "sleep well love."

Harry made his way back to the couch and laid down. Harry figured he'd stay here just incase she needed him, like if she got sick. He closed his eyes and started to think about tonight's events, before drifting to sleep.

Hey guys! How do you like it so far? Let me know your opinions please!!! Thank you! I'll update soon if you guys like the story so far! Let me know!


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