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What you wear

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What you wear

Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 18 or 20's if you like to be young or not.

Appearance: Whatever you like but some details must have Luke or Mara.

Jedi Knight

Ability: Force, force jump, force heal, any light force.


Grandfather- Anakin

Grandmother- Padmé,

Luke- Father

Mara- Mother sadly died from Kylo Ren that made Luke change a little.

Han- Uncle

Leia- Aunt

Chewbacca/Chewie- Uncle

R2D2- Friend/Uncle

C-3PO- Uncle

Ben- Cousin, Sadly joined the darkside while Y/n trying him to join the light like his grandfather.

Personally: Calm, nice, and smart

Likes: Family, Jedi, making friends, light,

Hates: Empire, sith, firstorder, fighting a family member,


Your lightsaber that was from Anakin, to Luke, to Mara, now it's Y/n

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Your lightsaber that was from Anakin, to Luke, to Mara, now it's Y/n. Y/n promise to use this lightsaber as the symbol of the Skywalker family.

Info: Y/n L/n is the son of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. Over years he was training to become a Jedi with his cousin Ben. It was then later on it change the Skywalker family as Ben joins the Dark side and killed Mara Jade. Luke changed as Y/n didn't change, Y/n realized that if his grandfather could be redeemed then his cousin would be the same. Y/n took the Skywalker lightsaber and went on his new journey with R2D2 to find the Sith who turn Ben and defend the galaxy once and for all.

Well that was the backstory. There will be a good story and next will be the one I loved. Hope you love this new fanfic Star Wars crossover saga of legends and some of the canon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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