3 years later

565 17 11

(Y/n)'s perspective

We'd arrive Ardeth's village by night fall.  We hopped off his horse, alongside his men hopping off theirs.  "Come with us.  We are to discuss what we'll do with you for now." I could only hum in response.  Admittedly I was a bit intimidated.  Anything could happen to me.  But I mustn't let my guard down.  They could use it against me for all I know.   My arrival, however seems to have catch the attention of Ardeth's people.  I could hear their murmurs of me being spread. 

"Strange, they never brought an outsider back here before."

"That young man must be great trouble for them to bring him here."

"Or he could have some potential."

"But he's a scrawny one, isn't he?"

"No, he's go some muscle to him."

"Do you think he's joining us? As a Medjai specifically?"

"Ha! That is if the counsel men approves of such a thing!"

I speed up my pace to catch up to Ardeth.  I couldn't say anything.  The possibilities are endlessly scattering my brain on what to ask.  I was so lost in thought, I haven't noticed we've stopped where I assume is the counsel.  It was thanks to Ardeth for stopping me.  "Wait here." He commands before entering through the curtains.  His men followed in pursuit.  Obediently, I just waited. 

20 minutes later

'Okay, maybe I should've made a run for it......' Thinking to myself as I just sat there.  The idea is risky, but I think I could pull it of-

"It has been decided." Abruptly taking me out of my thoughts, I stood on my feet.  "Because you now understand our warnings of setting foot on Hamunaptra, we are willing to let you live." Ardeth informs.  His men come out and made their way to presumably to their homes.  Only Ardeth and one of his troop members stayed with me.  "The journey from here to Cario is far.  It is best you stay the night with us until tomorrow.  Come, we'll show you where you'll be staying." In a scuffle, I hear hurried over to his side.  "Just like that!? You're kidding? I mean, I'm not implying that I would do anything, but is it really wise to have me stay with you and your people." I may digging a grave for myself but I just can't help shake the feeling there's a catch.  "I could be a threat or some sort of spy.."

The two stops abruptly.  Ardeth turns to look me in the eyes, "And what exactly is it you're going to do? Mind you, you stand on a land with warriors at the ready.  You bear no arms but a mere dagger strapped to your leg." Annnnd I've dug myself deeper, "You are practically unarmed and outnumbered.  Trying anything is useless." I bite my inner cheek.  No, it was more of my tongue.  I think he could sense that too.  'Fuck it'

"Although, I do admit numbers matter... " Slowly retrieving my dagger from it's sheath.  Before the other Medjai warrior could interfere, Ardeth gestures him to stand down.  He, however, takes his sword from its scabbard.  "I believe skill is more important." Swiftly swinging my dagger around before I get a nice grip on the handle.  He says nothing. 

We get into fighting stances and wait for who would make the first moves. 

(Warning: fight scenes aren't my forte.  I literally made so many attempts but failed.   Imma just tell you the short version.  Sooo you and Ardeth both are equally great fighters.  However,  literally, you both came out with scratches here and there.  Now let's get you patched up!)

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