Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm and put it on snooze and then i jumped up and looked at the time. "SHIT" i yelled out . i realized that i set my alarm clock for the wrong time and i am going to be late for my first class and i was going to miss the city bus. I jumped up , took a shower , threw something on, grabbed my keys , and headed for the door. i love to do hair but never make time to do my own . that's a shame lol . My mom bought me a car when i graduated high school but i don't drive it unless i go to the store . i prefer taking the bus... stupid right ??

My Car

I ran to the bus stop just in time and to get on the bus

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I ran to the bus stop just in time and to get on the bus . I was out of breath. Everybody was looking at me like i was crazy but i just ignored them and began texting danasia telling her i over slept

 Everybody was looking at me like i was crazy but i just ignored them and began texting danasia telling her i over slept

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i just laughed to myself . this girl is a character for real . When i got off the bus i ran to my first class just to bump into somebody and my books fell . Just great i thought to myself . "sorry" i said to the guy . he was a dark skin , pretty smile , tall , and muscular. I thought he was cute until he said "damn watch where the fuck you going" and i said "bitch fuck you " as i picked up my books and walked to class . He didn't even help me pick up my books. why people gotta be so rude to me . i just don't understand. i barely even say anything back when they do be mean to me but i had to say something to him. he was rude as hell . but when i walked into class . My favorite professor mrs. johnson , spoke to me and said "ms.harris you're never late to my class , what happened?" she asked looking curious . while the whole class looked at me . i hate being center of attention. i hurried and sat in my chair and said "i overslept sorry it won't happen again" "Its okay try not to be late again. now get out your book we are on chapter 3 page 20" i nodded my head , took out my book , and began following along with the rest of the class . "Ugh today is finna be a day" i thought to myself .
After my first class , i went to my second , third , and then i had a free period because my last class is at 1:30. Now it is 12:00 and i'm headed to lunch . i texted Danasia to tell her to meet me at Zaxbys which is right across the street from our campus ." i wonder what she has to talk to me about" i thought to myself as i walked into Zaxbys. I ordered my food , and sat down and played on my phone waiting for Danasia. "this bitch is always late" i said to myself shaking my head as i scrolled through instagram. 5 minutes later , my number was being called "ORDER 32" i heard the lady say as i got my food i went to the table and began eating and then i see Danasia walking in with Bojangles . I swear this girl ... "HEY BITCHHH!" she ran up to me and said all happy . i looked at her with a straight face and she said "omg my bad i was craving some chicken today. I had to" and i said "mhm now what do you have to talk to me about " shaking my head . "Its not something i wanted to talk to you about . it's a favor " she said looking nervous and i put my hand on face and said "Dee what is it?" and waited a few seconds and blurted "can you go to the basketball game with me on friday and go to the party with me on saturday !?!?" she said really fast but somehow i understood her . "mannn dee..." i said until she cut me off and said "PLEASE LYRIC IM BEGGING YOU ! Tyreek is playing and it's his first game . He wants me to go and Jayla can't go because she's going to her grandmas for the weekend to visit . this is the biggest game of the year and the biggest party because it's the day after the game. please go with me " she begged with puppy eyes . Tyreek is a guy that Danasia has been getting to know since school started . They began dating a month ago . i swear this bitch is obsessed with him. i never even had a boyfriend before and if i had one , i don't think i'd be this obsessed lol but He's a nice guy. I'm really happy for her ! I love seeing her happy . It makes my life ten times better. Jayla is one of her friends from class . She's really pretty . i have met her before and she was really nice. "ughhh ill think about it i told her." rolling my eyes realizing today is Wednesday and the game is Friday just great i have no time to think about it ..."fine i'll go to the game as long as i get to wear whatever i want to wear." i said drinking my fruit punch. "fineeee and what about the party !?!" she said looking more curious "fine dee" i said rolling my eyes she squealed and hugged me really tight and said " i'll pick you up at 7:30 on Friday. " and i said "okay" and began telling her about my day , including the boy from today . Dee said if she was there , she would've slapped the shit out of him . she is a mess lol. she began telling me about her crazy day. telling me how she almost didn't come today because she slept at Tyreek's place because he didn't have class today . Then it was time for my last class of the day so i headed there on time because we had a test today and i wanted to look over my notes before taking it. I was the first one there "thank God" i said to myself as i sat in my chair ! Then ten minutes later people started coming in and it was time to take the test . I was the first one done like always and when i was done , my professor told me that i could leave since i was finished and i will receive my grade tomorrow. i was so happy . i thanked her and i left and caught the bus home. i'm ready to take me a good ole nap.
When i got home , i seen that my mom was home i was happy cause i don't really see her all the time because she's always at the hospital . sometimes i go to the hospital to visit her and bring her lunch . As i walked in i seen her sitting on the couch looking all comfortable .

I said "Hey ma, you home early

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I said "Hey ma, you home early ." she said "yes i am i'm glad to be i will be home all night but i will be leaving at the same time you are when you go to class in the morning . I will drop you off." i looked at her and smiled sitting next to her laying on her watching Moesha. this show is old . but i love shows like this . Me and My mom stay in a 5 bed room 5 1/2 bathroom house and it's just the two of us . weird huh?
Our House

she said one day she hopes to expand our family lol she's been saying that for two years now

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she said one day she hopes to expand our family lol she's been saying that for two years now . I don't think she will ever get into a relationship but if she does , i wouldn't mind . My mom hasn't been with anyone since my dad passed away . they were high school sweethearts. i hope she find happiness . i will be happy for her. Only time will tell i thought to myself in deep thought i was in deep thought until i was interrupted " so what do you want to eat tonight?" she asked . "pizza" i simply said shrugging my shoulders. "Out of all the things you could've asked for , and you want pizza? " she said looking at me crazy . " lol yes ! let's start all american and eat pizza and junk food for tonight. a girls night?" i said smiling she smiled a and said "let's do it i'll place a delivery order online" while grabbing her phone "so do you have anything planned this weekend? instead of sitting in your room watching tv ." she asked i sighed my mom always wants me to go out and have fun but i'm a homebody . i like to stay home . when i was in high school , i stayed home i went to prom for 20minutes to make her happy lol. i know i'm lame but i just get nervous . but i sighed and told her "unfortunately yes , dee wants me to go to the basketball game with her so she can watch her boyfriend play and then there's and party Saturday she also wants me to go to . i don't want to go but i'm going for her." i said rolling my eyes . "GOOD ! finally you get to have some fun. i'm working all weekend anyway but i'm off Sunday. Have some fun babygirl ." she said i said "you're right , i will . but i'm not changing the way i look." and then she looked at me funny and said "well atleast do your hair" and we both started laughing "you love doing hair but won't do your own"she added shaking her head . "fine i will atleast do that" i said still laughing . Then the door bell rang and we got our pizza and began watching tv . Soon my mom fell asleep on the couch watching and i guided her to her room upstairs . i went to my bathroom , took a shower , and got into bed. "what a great night with my mom" i said to myself as i drifted off to sleep

So what do you guys think for the very first chapter ?

What do you guys think is going to happen at the game Friday night Even the party ?


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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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