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"Do you know anything about why their here? If so I'd advise you to tell everyone". Reiji says in a more angry tone.
"I could......". The sleepy male replies.
"Just tell us"!!!! The kid snaps at him angrily.
"That guy contacted me, telling me we'd have two guests arriving. He also said to not kill the girl and try to keep the other alive and he can also be put to work". The sleepy male replies before yawning.
"So you're telling us that pancake here is the prospective bride"? Ayato asks.
"Well then it looks like were going to have to spend a long time with you". Laito say shrugging but smirking slightly.
"Well then it appears there is no mistake to allow us to introduce ourselves. That is the eldest son shu" he says pointing to the man laying on the couch". I am the second oldest son Reiji, and that is Ayato the third oldest"he says pointing to the man standing beside Miss Yui.
"You won't run away next time pancake". Ayato says in delight.
Oh dear how I do see this not ending well.
"And Kanato"he says pointing to the child".
Please let me taste you". He says with a certain look in his eyes.
"Laito" he speaks as to points to the fedora wearing man".
"Please to make your acquaintance little bitch"~. He says smoothly.
"And lastly Subaru" he says pointing to the wall puncher".
"What a waste of my time. Tsk". He states angrily.
What a special bunch of brothers Miss Yui has been sent to. I look at Miss Yui and see her face as pure shock and fear.
"I-Im sorry but there's gotta be some mistake! Im too young to be a bride ir get married and I was never told any if this and I think I should call my father"! She says frightened as she pulls out her pink phone from her handbag.
Ayato then quickly snatches the phone away grinning from ear to ear.
What a tedious task this was gonna be.
I quickly step beside Miss Yui instead of behind her.
"H-Hey give me back my phone"!! Miss Yui pleads.
"Hmm but should I"? Ayato 'asks' her.
Subaru then quickly grabs the phone from Ayato's hands and crushed it with his immeasurable strength.
"H-How could y-you"?! Miss Yui yells.
Subaru steps to make a move toward her but I quickly intervene once more.
"Now now Bitch~Chan. There's no need for a silly cell phone, after all your going to be with us for a very long time".

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