chapter one

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“ AghI really need to change that alarm, my mom's voice is so annoying" iI said while slowly getting out of bed, I grabbed my clothes from the closet trying to remember why mom set her voice as my alarm in the first place.

After I freshened up I changed and headed downstairs for breakfast still trying to shake out from my sleeping haze. On my way to the kitchen, one of my men stopped me only to shock me with new information.

"Boss?" He says while walking up to me "what is it that you want Mark" I replied with a cold look on my face "I just wanted to inform you that there will be new students at your school" he stammered  "oh is that so when will they be showing up" I asked a smirk growing at the thought "well when I took a look at the files it said sometime tomorrow so I guess then" he responded,  I simply just nodded my head " good work now if you don't mind I’m going to go eat my breakfast" I said before walking away. after I finished eating my food I went to my car, a black model 4 tesla, climbing in I put my seat belt on and drove off to school since I was a bit late, all though it doesn't really matter because I pretty much own the school along with the city 

(soooo Ha take that BITCHes anyways off-topic.)

As I finally got to school I noticed there weren’t many people so I must be a good 10 minutes late but oh well I could fire the teachers if I wanted so they don't really mess with me, also my entire staff knows I’m the mafia king I know what your thinking WHY DID THEY CHOSES TO WORK FOR A MAFIA and the KING at that well sometimes life is hard and things happen that we can't change most if not all of my staff just so happen to have a run-in with the bad  side of life, and I just so happen to be there to help make the pain a little easier to bear.

As I walk through the quiet halls I decided to pay the principal a visit seeing as he’s my uncle it might be nice to pay a little visit 

"Hey Suzy" I call to to her as she sits at she looks up from her paperwork " hey M/n how are you" she asks  "good so far how are you and your family doing" she looks down for a bit then back at me "much better thanks for asking, are you here to see your uncle" I just nod "Is he doing something right now" she shakes her head no "not at all, let me just talk to this young man and you can head right on in" Thanks see you later" "Bye M/n call if you fellas need anything" she calls out as I head through the doors of my "uncles office" before I go completely in a turn to glance at the Boy Suzy was referring to earlier "hmmm interesting"         

" what's interesting?" oh, nothing just the boy Suzy’s talking to outside" I say  " oh is that it well in that case what brings you here my dearest M/n" " ok one can you not with all the mush it upsets my stomach and I just ate ok anyways I was late and wanted to see what you were up to I say  “well that explains why your here " "yep" after that there was a short silence,is not an awkward silence but a comfortable one then I felt I should get to class before it’s too late "ok uncle I’m heading off to class I’ll text you later" "mmhmm sure you will little brat you become the king and forget your own uncle how cruel" I just watched him wipe away the fake tears "come on uncle how could I forget the person who raised me" I explained while patting his shoulder, you see my parents were killed before my very eye and it didn't help the fact that I was only 8 years old so I was just a kid. My uncle got there just in time to kill the mas remaining soldiers but I was the one to kill the murder of my parents which leads us to this point.

"ok, I’m off to class," I say before I left. I made sure to say Bye to Suzy at the front desk and head to class, and that my friends is how my wonderful day of hell started.

Yoongi's POV

So here I am sleeping so peacefully when all of a sudden I hear a whole bunch of whispers " kook you wake him up" "me!! why do I have to Jimin Hyung you wake him up"

The mafia king and his babyboys {under editing }Where stories live. Discover now