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"i've never done LSD before." here comes the adrenaline again.

"never?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

i shook my head.

"here, you'll take just half then." he took a tab off of the paper and then ripped the small paper so that it was in a small rectangle. i only had half a tab. good.

"how do you do this?" i let the tiny piece of paper rest on the top of my finger. will this even do anything to me? when will it hit?

"just let it dissolve on your tongue."

then Harry took a full tab. show off.

"or you could put it under your tongue and it'll feel like it's not there." he shrugged.

i put it under my tongue and noticed it was strawberry flavoured. nice.

he put the big paper under the seat and then pulled out 2 pears of sunglasses out of the pocket of the driver seat.

one was big squared yellow glasses and one was red heart ones.

"Which one?" he let me pick.

i picked the yellow ones.

"good, i wanted the heart ones." he smirked and then handed me the yellow ones.

"it's literally dark outside." i laughed, sliding on the sunglasses.

"so? what's wrong with a little jazz?" he laughed, opening the door.

i took a deep breath, and then Harry opened my door.

he held out his hand again and i took it.

"ready?" he asked.

i nodded.

we walked up the sidewalk leading to the backyard.

"oh god, Harry i'm scared." i laughed.

he grabbed my hand and said "there's nothing to be scared of, love." he smiled.

"when does it hit?" i asked.

"for some people, it takes it takes about 20 to 25 minutes, others, 45 minutes to an hour."


he stopped walking before we got to the gate and turned to look at me.

"and if you're too high, we could go downstairs or leave." he reassured me. "no matter what, i'm gonna be with you the whole time."

he really cares. wow, i love him.

"if you wanna leave, just tell me."

he turned back around, not letting go of my hand and opened the gate revealing people dancing around to loud music.

"this is a big backyard." i raised my eyebrows in shock.

"it is," he smiled.

"don't let me go," he looked down at our intertwined hands.

"i don't wanna lose you." those words hit different.

he pulled me to a group of people where he greeted himself and then introduced me.

i was too busy looking around to remember what their names were.

i noticed the song "I Need Your Body" by Brooke Bentham playing. it was one of my favourite songs.

Harry pulled me into the crowd and started dancing.

"Harry, i don't think it kicked in yet." i laughed, slowly starting to dance.

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