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credit goes to the respected owner of the fanart.


there was a snowstorm beginning to rage outside. by looking at the weather conditions, anyone could tell that the current situation was bound to get worse.

and this assumption was proved to be right 'cause soon the hints of a blizzard were seen.

luckily, taehyung was inside his apartment. but this didn't stop him to worry about his boyfriend who was currently out to get the groceries. he panicked even more when he heard a sudden roar of the storm outside.

he immediately moved to reach his phone to call the older.

and then suddenly everything went black.

all the lights went off, making it difficult to see anything as it was currently the evening time.

now, this was not that unpredictable, considering that the power supply often cuts off during a time like this.

but it was not the same with taehyung. no, it definitely wasn't.

because taehyung was  nyctophobic.

"" he begged to no one, his eyes already watering.

he was sitting on the couch and couldn't feel his muscles. he wanted to run out of there as soon as possible but found himself glued to the cushion. his body started shivering involuntarily.

he completely forgot about his partner as dark thoughts rose in his mind. he put his head between his hands and shouted "NO NO NO NOTHING'S HERE..." . he was desperately attempting to keep his sane and kept reminding himself that there was nothing to be afraid of. but that's the thing. he couldn't.

meanwhile, jungkook was taking long strides in his walk to reach his home faster. he was on his foot as the store was only some blocks away. he knew that a blizzard was coming but he wasn't worried about that 'cause he was very close already.

while walking, he passed by a clothing store. and he couldn't ignore. he couldn't ignore the fact that there were people inside but still the lights were off.

and then he realized. he turned his head in every direction and found that every store in sight didn't have even a flash of light.

he didn't even realize when he started running. because he knew about taehyung.

he reached in his pocket and took out his phone while cursing repeatedly, worrying horridly about the other.

"please, baby, please be strong.." he mumbled, running as fast as he could.

speaking of whom, taehyung was on the floor, one hand on the ground and the other was pressing flat on his chest as he felt the pain arising, all the while, crying like there was no tomorrow. his breathing was labored and he flinched harshly when he heard the sound of his ringtone.

he raised himself slightly to grab the phone like it was the last food on the planet and was a bit relieved when he saw the caller's name.

" j-j-jungkook...please.....the-re's no light....please come back ahh~~" taehyung was practically wailing on the phone as he found himself hyperventilating. it was so hard for him to form words right now.

" to me. there's nothing to be afraid of, okay? you are fine... you are safe. i'm right there..." jungkook could feel himself being on the verge of crying too after hearing his love's cries.

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