1🧚‍♀️ ~school~

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I glimpsed out my window half awake and got my eyes struck by the bright sun. I started grouning to the pain in my eyes.

Y/n: Uuggghhhhh

I walk downstairs and notice my brother Kyle sitting on the couch eating cereal. I eat my breakfast and go upstairs to have a shower, I wear ripped jeans and a Billie eillish shirt, then I put my shoes on and go out my door closing it behind me

Y/n: Kyle let's go

Kyle: okay I'm coming

I grab the keys and open the door waiting for Kyle. We get in the car and drive to school

At school

Mattia: hey y/n

Y/n: hey☺️

You hug mattia and hug Kairi that was standing next to matti. You had your first class with Kairi and then your next class your had by yourself. "Yay being alone with nobody" you and kairi walk into class waving to mattia. After class you and Kairi wait for mattia and your other friend that usually shows up to school late, her name is stacie. You and Kairi were making tiktoks and throwing it back on each other😂

Mattia: sup nerds

Kairi: stfu dinosaur

You sit down and put your phone next to you and look around for stacie.

Mattia: she wasn't in class, she might not come today

Y/n: no she said she was coming

Mattia rolled his eyes at you.

Mattia: you two wanna come over at my house tonight.

Kairi: sure

You stand up grabbing everything to go to your next class.

Y/n: Well cya guys later ✌️😗

Mattia/kairi: bye

~P.E class~

You walk into the hall and walk towards the girls dressing rooms. All the girls had to wear short shorts and the schools sport shirts.

I walk out of the dressing room and was stopped by Alejandro

Alejandro: hey beautiful😉

Y/n: oh hi ale. What are you doing in P.E?

Ale: you walked right passed me outside so I followed you in here to say hi

Y/n: oh sorry

You kiss him and walk away (oh yea you two are dating)

Ale walks out and you watch him.

Teacher: ok class do 6 laps now!

~after class~

You walk out of class hoping to see stacie.

Mattia: hey y/n

Mattia put his arm around you and pulled you close to him. You ignored him and looked around.

You look up at mattia and he looks back at you.

Y/n: do you see ale?

Mattia took his arm off your shoulder and looked away.

~after school~

You were walking out of school when you see mattia and Kairi waiting for you. You walk past them and go into mattias car, while you where sitting down you take out your phone and text Kyle that you will be staying at mattias for the night. The boys got in the car and looked at you.

Mattia: why are you pissed. You were fine this morning

Y/n: idk.

You said putting your elbow on the window and leaning your head on your hand.

Kairi sat at the back staring at you two kinda fighting.

Mattia started driving and you could feel him looking at you. You didn't care and looked out the window.
Mattia put some songs on to
Change the mood a little.

When you guys got to mattias house Kairi and mattia got out of the car and walked inside. You slowly got out of the car with cramps in your stomach. (iykyk)

You stepped into his house and was greated by his parents and his brother

Mattias mum/mm

Mm: hello y/n

Y/n: hi

You hug her and his dad and his brother and go down to mattias room. Kairi and mattia were making so much noise. You go into the bathroom and change out of your Cloths into some pj shorts and a white crop top.

Y/n: move I wanna play.

Mattia: stop im so close to winning

Kairi: haha I win!

Mattia: fk y/n you made me lose🤬

You laugh and take mattias controller. After every game you got sleepy and handed the controller to Kairi and leaned on mattias shoulder. He tryed keeping still but he moved and you fall on the bed.

This was bad I'm sorry😔

I Want You <3 Mattia.P Kairi.CWhere stories live. Discover now